標題: Throwback Jerseys about 10
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 11:19  資料 私人訊息 
Throwback Jerseys about 10
The degutted and decomposed bodies of two men were found on the shores of Wakenaam and Hamburg Islands in the Essequibo River, one on Tuesday and the other, yesterday.One of the bodiesBoth bodies were disemboweled and were found 18 hours apart. It is believed that the bodies are those of two crew members of trawler that was on a trial run in the Essequibo River.Two other crew members of the missing trawler are still unaccounted for.The first body was discovered on Tuesday around 16:00 hours face down at a place called Black Rock on the northwestern side of Wakenaam, while the other was found at about 10:30 hours yesterday at Hamburg Island,Custom Manchester Jersey, about two miles from Wakenaam.Police said that a farmer from the village of Zeelandia had contacted them by telephone and informed them about the first body which was clad in a blue three-quarter pants and white shirt.Police visited the scene and secured the body with pieces of rope from being washed back into the river and guarded it until crime scene experts arrived early yesterday morning.The body bore three bullet holes to the top of the cleanly shaven head and the face was badly battered. . There were no teeth and no eyes. All the internal organs were missing.During the post mortem examination which was performed on the scene, bullets were removed from the skull. The body was eventually buried at the scene.And while investigators were busy dealing with that body,Ilkay Gundogan Manchester City Jersey, about 10:30 hours, they received word that another body of a man about 25 years old, was found,Victor Moses Jersey, this time on the eastern side of Hamburg Island.That body was in a similar state with its internal organs missing. There were also bullet holes to the left side of the head and a bullet was found during another on-the-spot post mortem.It was clad in a pair of long black pants and was about five feet, nine inches in height.Investigators discovered a gold wedding band on the left ring finger and a wristwatch on the left hand.Kaieteur News also understands that a cellular phone with a GT&T number was also found on the body.According to a source close to the investigations, the bodies were surgically disemboweled, to give the appearance of the work of a professional. The source told this newspaper that the men were shot dead and then disemboweled.“We could not find organs. We could not tell what race the victims were,Willy Caballero Manchester City Jersey,” the source said. But a relative of a trawler owner told this newspaper that the bodies fit the description of two crew members of a missing trawler that was scheduled to travel to Trinidad soon.According to information received by this newspaper, the crew had taken the vessel on a trial run to test its seaworthiness for the planned trip to the Twin-Island Republic.The crew was last heard from on Saturday, while the vessel was parked at a place called Parika Beach.The source told this newspaper that the crew had indicated that they were coming in to port in the Demerara River when they were contacted at around 6pm on Saturday.However,Thiago Silva Jersey, hours later when they did not show up, several attempts to contact them proved futile.The following day, Sunday, the owner of the vessel along with other concerned associates made checks at Friendship, where the boat would normally be moored,Lucas Jersey, but it was not there.Checks were also made at Parika, since it was felt that the vessel had developed mechanical problems and was towed there. Again it was not found.The owner then used a boat to comb the Atlantic Ocean about 16 miles from shore. And that too was unsuccessful in locating the missing trawler.On Monday, the Lighthouse was contacted but no distress signal was received there nor was there any sighting of the trawler.This led the owner chartering an aircraft to fly out to see in search of the missing vessel. After finding no trace of the vessel or its crew, the owner was almost convinced that the crew had met with ill fate.On Tuesday afternoon the Lighthouse did make contact with the vessel and someone responded, indicating that they were in the vicinity of Mahaica/Mahaiconyeast coast Demerara.That message was relayed to the owner.But after then no other contact could be made with the vessel. No one was prepared for the shocking discovery of the two bodies in the Essequibo River.It is now believed that the crew was attacked an