標題: Jan-Pascal Reckert Dortmund Shirts Mathematics
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 09:48  資料 私人訊息 
Jan-Pascal Reckert Dortmund Shirts Mathematics
The new Kato Secondary School has been completed and will be opened to facilitate students early next year.This latest development continues the trend of making educationThe Kato Secondary School complexaccessible to all Guyanese, Government said yesterday.Located in Region Eight, (Potaro/Siparuni), the Kato Secondary School was specially built to ease the distance they traverse to access secondary level education. Its dormitories will cater for students from far off communities in the region.Announced by the last administration, the school has been delayed and had raised eyebrows over its cost.The school is currently being furnished, and according to Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam, the immediate priorities are ensuring that the hiring of teachers and other elements are taken care of in time for 2016.The school was initially billed at $780M, but Government said the final tally could be about $1B.The concept of Kato Secondary is to be replicated in other schools. Kwakwani Secondary in Region 10 is such an institution.For the Kato Secondary School to be self-sustaining, resources such as solar energy and agricultural projects are being considered, Sam pointed out.Solar energy will be a boost for students while studying for their exams, completing assignments, and of course, providing electricity for all classrooms. Implementation of agricultural projects in the school will supply food for students living-in at the dormitory, the Government statement said.Ongoing is the filling of vacancies for various positions including Principal (Headmistress/Headmaster), Senior Master/Mistress,Jack Wilshere Arsenal Jersey, Heads of Department and Assistant Mistresses/Masters to teach Social Studies, Mathematics,Sergio Romero Argentina Jersey, English and Science, among other subjects. The school has an adjoining administrative block,Manchester United Jersey, teachers’ quarters, kitchen and sanitary facilities.Apart from the dozen classrooms, the school will boast computer and science laboratories,Erik Durm Dortmund Jersey, and industrial arts,Sheyi Ojo Jersey, home economics,David Luiz Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, visual arts and agriculture departments.