標題: Per Mertesacker Jersey Montrose
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-27 11:25  資料 私人訊息 
Per Mertesacker Jersey Montrose
Fire razed two houses, leaving four families homeless and millions in losses at Second Street, Montrose, East Coast Demerara,Kevin Trapp Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, yesterday.The damaged buildingsFire fighters who reached the scene around noon tried unsuccessfully to save the two wooden and concrete buildings which housed more than 20 persons. The blaze scorched an adjacent building which was methodically doused with water. The heat was so intense that two plastic water tanks on the building melted rapidly.According to one of the occupants of the back building, Sandra Ramatola,Hatem Ben Arfa Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, she was watching television at the time of the fire, when her 87-year-old mother raised an alarm that smoke was coming from a room as she was climbing the stairway into the home.“She say ‘watch fire, fire’ and I run and collect my two granddaughters and I rush downstairs and out of the yard,” Ramatola said. “Is a front house and back house, top and bottom, and all awe is family,Loic Remy Jersey, and now all awe don’t have nothing, we lost everything…all I run out the house with was my cell phone.”Adding that she could not comprehend how the fire began, Ramatola lamented that she finished cooking since 07:00 hrs and no one uses matches in the home, only a lighter for the stove.“I lost all my jewels and money. Everything is gone and now what should I do?”A resident occupying another building in the yard,Marcelo Grohe Jersey, ‘Baby’ Parboo said “I hear people say fire and me and everybody run out the house when we see smoke and fire coming from the back house.”Suping Wong,Ryan Mason Hotspur Jersey UK, who occupied the adjacent building, said she received a call at work saying that her house was on fire. However, after racing home she discovered the house in which she lived was severely scorched at the rear.“I got the call around 1:40 pm and I raced home,David de Gea Manchester United Jersey, and after I raced home I saw it wasn’t my house that was burnt down, but only the room I use was scorched,” Wong said.Members of the affected families providing details to a fireman.Occupants claimed they lost all their belongings and will be staying by relatives for the night while they figure out what would be their fate.