標題: Cuauhtemoc Blanco Jersey who
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-26 19:20  資料 私人訊息 
Cuauhtemoc Blanco Jersey who
Jermaine Haywood,Daryl Janmaat Jersey, 28, of Lot 1 Grove Housing Scheme, who was charged for possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking,NGolo Kante Jersey, will have to remain in jail until Friday.The accused on February 25 at Craig, East Bank Demerara allegedly had in his possession two grams of cocaine and 21 grams of cannabis for the sole purpose of trafficking. He pleaded not guilty and was represented by attorney-at-law Satish Kissoon,Jesus Navas Jersey, who, in an unsuccessful bid to secure bail, told the court that his client was caught in a “lover’s lane” with a female who is not his wife.Kissoon further told the court that a patrol with 11 men came up and threatened the occupants of the vehicle.His client,Wayne Rooney Jersey, after feeling pressured by the police, told the ranks that he did not have any money to pay. According to Kissoon,Pablo Zabaleta Jersey, his client was charged previously for a similar offence.He was adamant that when Haywood was arrested the investigating ranks told him that “he was a regular” and the drugs had to be his and probably pinned the charge on him.The lawyer explained that Haywood was kept longer than the stipulated 72 hours by the police. He also told the court that the alleged drugs were found some distance from the vehicle in which his client was an occupant.The lawyer contended that bail should be admitted in a reasonable sum.But Police Prosecutor Denise Griffith objected to bail. The prosecutor questioned that if someone was indeed innocent as Haywood is claiming,Orbelin Pineda Jersey, why would he offer the ranks money? According to the prosecutor, the defendant was seen with a “purse” and he dropped the said purse when he saw the police approaching. The drugs were later found in that same purse which the defendant had had in his possession.The file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions where the advice was given to charge Haywood only.The lawyer interjected and told the court that his client was found with a female who wears a purse, adding that the drugs were found in that same purse. The lawyer noted that it was rather strange that the female was not charged along with the defendant.The defendant argued that when the police came to the vehicle it was locked and he and the female were situated in the backseats.Haywood further told the court that the police ordered both of them out of the vehicle and started to search the car.The defendant said that after the police searched the vehicle they turned up empty handed. He said that a few of the ranks walked away and left him and the female standing with another rank by the car.The man said that after a few minutes he saw the police showing him the bag with the drugs.? Bail was denied and the accused is expected to make his next court appearance on Friday.