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註冊 2017-5-25
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Jack Wilshere Arsenal Jersey left
From sleepless nights of selling elastic to support her son, to being rudely awakened by buckets of cold water and sleeping with the dogs, to finally having a comfortable bed at the Dharm Shala home, 89 year old Cybil Smith has been through a lot.But through all her pain and torment, inflicted by the very people she thought loved her, Smith’s one lesson for the public is to love, forgive and pray for those who caused hurt in their lives.Through the efforts of a few persons on social media, with the aim of making life easier for a fellow human being, Smith was able to enjoy a little more of life’s comforts last week after receiving a donation from the Metro Office and Computer Supplies.Last year, Kaieteur News reported on Smith’s harrowing story of the many nights her son’s wife and children, would throw water on her while she was asleep as well as the many days she had gone without food, instead relying on the goodwill of her neighbours to get by.“I does sleep on the floor and when they (grandchildren and daughter-in-law) passing, they kicking me and then, they does throw water on me while I am sleeping and say that I am stink,Vincent Janssen Jersey UK,” the elderly woman had told this newspaper last year.Smith’s life had taken such a turn to a series of unfortunate events after she wholeheartedly accepted her only son’s family into her home. However her well-meaning intentions were not repaid, as shortly after welcoming them to her home, her family threw her out.Cybil Smith (left) receiving hamper from Metro representative, Shivanie SooklallBefore living in the West Ruimveldt home where she invited her family to stay, Smith said that she was living in Alberttown but was forced to move when the house she was living in was given to someone else. “I searched and I searched for a place until I met with a woman and she said she has a house and that’s when me and my son moved in here,” shared the elderly woman.After her son started a family of his own, Smith recalled that her son asked whether he,Anthony Martial Jersey, his wife and her children could move in with her, which she agreed to.According to the elderly woman, from that day, her life took a turn for the worse. She said she endured years of abuse at the hands of her son’s wife and her three children. Smith claimed that she sustained bruises and was even dragged by her feet down the stairs by her daughter-in-law.According to Smith, her family had put her to sleep outside the house next to the dog where she would get soaked whenever it rained. There, the woman said, her skin would break out in rashes since she and the dog would be sleeping next to each other.“They don’t know what is grandmother. They curse and beat me. They put me out of my own house and I have a son but he does nothing,” was what Smith told Kaieteur News over a year ago.But now, Smith is living a life which is a far cry from the daily heartache she was subjected to. Since then, the 89 year-old has taken up residency at the Dharm Shala in Albouystown and has recently garnered noticeable attention on social media.The attention was a result of a recent post from social activist, Mark Benschop, for anyone interested in assisting the elderly woman.When Kaieteur News visited Smith last week, she appeared to be in high spirits and comfortable in her new abode. At the time of the visit, Metro Office and Computer Supplies was making a hamper donation to Smith.The donation consisted of a variety of cosmetics and toiletries,Mats Hummels Germany Jersey, which were noted as being particular favourites of Smith. She expressed immense gratitude at the efforts of not only Metro, but those of the persons taking interest in her story.In an interview with this newspaper, Smith recalled those days with her family as being horrific and fatiguing,Danilo Jersey, especially for an elderly person such as herself to experience. With regard to her daughter-in-law, Smith said that she doesn’t know where it all went wrong.“I don’t even like to think about her because I took her children as if they were my own grandchildren,Fernandinho Jersey,” related Smith, “And we lived so good (at first).”As for her son, Smith said that she still loves her son, no matter what, even his family. “Sometimes I pray for all of them… Everybody I pray for, even my daughter in law.” said the clearly choked up elderly mother.The last time she saw her daughter in law was during the May 11 Elections,<a href="http://www.dortmundfcshop.com/c-6-sven-bender-fc-borussia-dortmund-jersey.a