標題: Yasser Corona Jersey of La Bonne Intention
Rank: 4

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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-26 00:40  資料 私人訊息 
Yasser Corona Jersey of La Bonne Intention
A mother of 14 died Monday night at the Georgetown Public Hospital while being treated for a snake bite.According to reports, 42-year-old Kushmattie Sukhdeo,Lucas Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, of La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara,Ezequiel Lavezzi Jersey, died sometime around 23:00 hrs. Nirmala Persaud, a relative of the woman said that she (Sukhdeo) had been bitten three hours earlier.Persaud told this newspaper that Sukhdeo went to her bathroom, which is located in the yard,Toronto FC Jersey, to have a bath.“While she went dipping water from a drum she seh something bite she on she foot and she shake off de thing but when she look down she ain’t see nothing.”Persaud said that within minutes her sister-in-law began complaining of severe pain. She said immediately they assumed that it was a snake bite, so they decided to apply peroxide to Sukhdeo’s foot.Dead: Kushmattie Sukhdeo“Lil bit after she start complaining of feeling bad so we tie off the foot with a piece a cloth and she seh that she gon go to de hospital,”.According to Persaud,Thomas Meunier Jersey, Sukhdeo then left after insisting that she was well enough to go by herself.“When we look at she we could see that she in bad pain and that she could hardly walk, but she tell we stay wid dem children she gon be alright”Persaud said sometime around 21:00 hours they received a telephone call from the hospital and were updated on Sukhdeo’s condition.“Dey call and tell we that somebody should come down to de hospital because she unconscious and dey try waking she up but she ain’t waking up.”The woman related that at 23:00 hours another relative contacted the hospital and was informed that Sukhdeo had died.“This couldn’t be a water snake it had to be a poisonous snake and when you look how de mark deh you could tell is a snake.”Meanwhile,Kenny Tete Netherland Jersey, residents of the community said they are concerned for their safety as well as the safety of children since for some time now they have been spotting snakes around the area. Residents complained that they are at the mercy of a man who rears snakes for export purposes.“More than one time we hear people talking how some snakes get away and he never catch dem back…plenty time we does see all kinda strange snake in dem gutter but we can’t catch dem.”Sahadeo Sukhdeo and six of the couple's 14 children This newspaper was told that Sukhdeo lives two houses away from where the man who rears snakes and other reptiles.Meanwhile relatives of the dead woman are now concerned for her six younger children. Kushmattie Sukhdeo did domestic work to complement the income of her husband Sahadeo Sukhdeo,Jerome Sinclair Jersey, who is a fisherman.“Dis lady lef nuff children here some a dem big and marry out, but wha gon happen to de lil ones dem?” one relative asked.The children who are now left in the care of their father range in age from 2 to 13.