標題: Joel Castro Pereira Jersey 43
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
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發表於 2017-7-25 21:00  資料 私人訊息 
Joel Castro Pereira Jersey 43
He was a suspect in the chopping of a woman at Mahdia and a brutal attack on a Kara Kara family,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and police are trying to find out how 43-year-old Richard Remington ended up dead in a clump of bushes at Wismar.Remington’s bloated and decomposing body was found on Thursday in a clump of bushes along a track in the vicinity of Matthews Lane in the Christianburg/ Cholmondeley Hill area.He was clad in a brown three-quarter pants and white tee-shirt.This newspaper understands that the victim appeared to have been shot in the forehead and lower jaw. A postmortem is still to be done on the remains.Police sources said that Remington, of Christianburg, Wismar,Cheap Jerseys China, was a suspect in several armed robberies and burglaries.Kaieteur News understands that he was remanded some months ago for allegedly chopping a woman at Mahdia during a robbery.He was also questioned about a robbery last month in Lower Kara Kara,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, Linden,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, in which Godfrey Marks, 43,Throwback Jerseys, was shot in the left shoulder by a gang of men who barged into his home.Marks’ wife and nine-year-old son were assaulted by the perpetrators who escaped empty-handed.Relatives reportedly last saw Remington alive on Monday. It was also on Monday night that some residents of Matthews Lane,Cheap Jerseys Online, Wismar, heard a series of explosions and assumed that they were the sound of firecrackers. They also reportedly heard the sound of persons running.The body was eventually discovered on Thursday by a resident who was attracted by the stench emanating from the area.Other residents claimed that they had become aware of the smell over the past few days, but thought that the stench came from a dead animal.