標題: Adrian Ramos Dortmund Jersey ”
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
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學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-25 19:15  資料 私人訊息 
Adrian Ramos Dortmund Jersey ”
James McAllisterJames McAllister’s seat in the National Assembly was declared vacant yesterday after a notice of recall was issued to him.The seat of former Minister of Housing,Lucas Jersey, Harrinarine Nawbatt has also been declared vacant.During yesterday’s sitting, Speaker of the National Assembly,Eric Dier Hotspur Jersey UK, Ralph Ramkarran,Pedro Chelsea Jersey, said that he has received a letter of resignation from Nawbatt.Addressing McAllister’s vacant seat,Jasper Cillessen Jersey, Ramkarran said that he had been provided with a notice of recall issued to the former Member of Parliament as provided for by Article 156 of the Constitution of Guyana. The notice was issued on Tuesday.On October 3 last, Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform,Calum Chambers Jersey, Robert Corbin,David Luiz Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, said that it was recommended that McAllister tender his resignation as a Member of Parliament.Corbin noted that the disciplinary actions are not as a result of McAllister challenging the leadership of the party.“No disciplinary proceedings were brought against anyone for challenging the leadership of the party,” Corbin had said.Harrinarine Nawbatt According to Corbin, what was taken before the disciplinary committee of the party was reports of behaviour which members of the party felt were inconsistent with good party membership.The disciplinary committee, which has certain procedures, followed them and gave everyone a right to be heard, and then adjudicated on the facts before them; and they made recommendations, Corbin said.Corbin also told the media that there were several other matters concerning McAllister that were taken to the disciplinary committee.Meanwhile, Nawbatt has been named Guyana’s new ambassador to Brazil.