標題: Youth Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester United Jersey
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-25 15:08  資料 私人訊息 
Youth Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester United Jersey
By Leon SuseranThe Neal & Massy Group of Companies launched a Techno-Expo at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus (UGBC) last evening. The Neal & Massy Holdings is a conglomerate of several companies which include AINLIM, Caribbean Computer Systems (CCS), Docol, Geddes Grant, Marketing & Distribution, NMSL Moneygram, and the NM Security Solutions.The company was founded 36 years ago in Trinidad & Tobago by two Trinidadians, Phillip Neal and Charles Massy, as a private company and grew and became a public company. The company extends throughout the Caribbean as well as Florida.According to Chief Executive Officer of the company, Deo Persaud, the Georgetown leg of the exposition was a grand success and thus, they thought that Berbicians would be thrilled with a similar activity. He said the company operates throughout Guyana and is not a city-based company.? He said that the company is integrally involved in all facets of life in the Guyanese society including health and education among others.One of the booths at the exhibition“Our team in Guyana is one of the best teams as it relates to a typical private sector enterprise,Jose Corona Mexico Jersey,” he noted. He praised his team of dedicated and committed people.During the launch, Persaud announced a four- year scholarship to a student of the UGBC, a gesture which received resounding applause from the gathering.“We are working with the university in going through the criteria and I am sure the community of Berbice would welcome that,” he asserted. He said that the student will be attached to the company through a work-study relationship.Persaud said that the expo has items many persons may not have seen before and focus heavily on security and safety as well as the gas product component through Docol.Security being a major concern for Guyanese at this time, Persaud said “security is a national initiative and national effort with all the stakeholders, and we at Neal & Massy see this as a way of educating the public in the first instance on what is available,David Luiz Jersey, and broaden the range of products currently available in Guyana. And we feel this is an ideal opportunity to showcase these products,” he noted.The company, he said, is trying to focus on growth and explore opportunities and “go back where we started from in 1968… from rented premises to where we are today.Professor Daizal Samad, Director of UGBC, expressed that it was an honour to host the exposition even though there had to be “adjustments to our class schedules to accommodate the event”. He lashed out at the “detractors” for the many initiatives that the campus has taken to “build partnerships with various government ministries,Fabian Delph Jersey, with the regional authorities, with the private sector, Guyana Police Force and with many other social and religious organizations”.Present to commission the expo,Miranda Brazil Jersey, Minister of Health Dr Leslie Ramsammy stated that? “whether we accept it or not security and safety are as much personal responsibility as they are the responsibility of the authorities, local or national”.He said that the expo can serve a purpose of educating people and allowing them to see the possibilities and opportunities, since the event is a “critical mortise to Region 6 and to our country”. He hopes that there would be many more such exhibitions in the future.He thanked Neal & Massy for their“interest in this initiative, not just the expo…but trying to make the community better”.“This is a company that is touching virtually every part of our life,Michy Batshuayi Jersey, whether it is health and agriculture, safety and security, transportation. They are touching our lives in every way possible. Neal & Massy is a successful company by any measurement, and by any standard. There can be no dispute. And as a government, we recognize it as a very successful company.”The Minister said he is looking forward to greater engagement with the company in the future.“I know there is business sense in what they are doing, but I am hoping that is not the only motivation for being here at this campus”, he told the gathering.Among the abundant items being showcased are remote security products such as surveillance CCTV cameras, gas,Vincent Janssen Hotspur Jersey UK, Dell computer systems, fire equipment and security alarms.