標題: Kaka Jersey suspect
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-25 13:21  資料 私人訊息 
Kaka Jersey suspect
Police are still on the hunt for a man,Juan Mata Manchester Jersey, who blatantly shot and killed a mini bus passenger and injured a Special Constable, during a row over whether a window in the vehicle should remain closed.This occurred almost seven weeks ago on the Demerara Habour Bridge.The victim, Trevon April, 29, of High Dam, Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam has already been buried. It seemed as if the police are nowhere close to making an arrest even though the suspect has already been identified.Crime Chief,Rafinha Jersey, Wendell Blanhum, yesterday confirmed that the suspect is still on the run. He said that the shooter is known to the police since he was previously charged for a matter.Kaieteur News was told that after the suspect shot April; he calmly walked a short distance before entering a car.A worker at the bridge had told this newspaper that when the incident happened, the driver of the minibus drove to the outpost and informed the Special Constables, who were on duty.“He was advised to take the man to the hospital and the bridge was immediately closed off so that the police can find the person if he was still on the bridge,” a source explained.“A car stopped and a man come out the car and attempted to walk away, so the worker at the bridge stopped him.” The person had no idea that he was the shooter. The man (suspect) then pushed the gate and run away.”As the suspect was fleeing, the passengers in the minibus were reportedly shouting for someone to stop him, but the Special Constables were unarmed at the time.The Special Constable who was shot in the bus, Randolph Williams, recalled that the row between the two men began when the suspect asked April to shut a window, since it was raining.However, April refused to close the window, since he claimed that the suspect, who was sitting behind him,Antonio Valencia Jersey, “smelled.”The suspect reportedly warned that (the victim) didn’t know who he (the suspect) was, and reportedly mentioned the nickname ‘Gangster.’The row reportedly continued as the bus was heading to the eastern end of the Harbour Bridge. The driver eventually stopped and told the two men to disembark.However,Chelsea Jersey, after exiting the bus in the rain,Lukas Podolski Germany Jersey, both men immediately rejoined the bus.According to Williams, the victim opened the window, while the suspect slammed it shut.Shortly after, Williams heard a gunshot. This was followed by a second shot,Marcus Rashford Jersey, which grazed him.April reportedly left Guyana as a teen with his mother for Antigua where he resided for about a decade before being deported.