標題: Wholesale Jerseys Paypal Old people use to seh
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-25 09:28  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys Paypal Old people use to seh
Old people use to seh,Cheap NFL Jerseys, but now even young people ah seh “Show meh yuh company and I gun tell you who you friends are.”Joe Humble never understand that saying although he tun a pensioner. It look like he never see Jagdeo’s company because he woulda never tie up wid dem Bees.Dem Bees use to suck up and hang on like leech on Jagdeo,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the man who use to control de purse strings. He share out state assets and give out contracts like how Father Christmas does share toys.Dem boys seh Father Christmas don’t look back fuh nutten. Dem can’t seh de same fuh Jagdeo. He don’t come close. Even before he share he does tek ee portion.Sometimes he tek so much that people who got to get don’t get nutten. And Joe Humble of all persons who know what was going on and how dem was doing it have dem same leech hugging on to him.Dem boys seh Joe Humble do more harm than good since he tek office. Just de other day de talk on de street was Soulja Bai frighten him. He didn’t even slap Joe Humble pon he wrist fuh the wickedness what he get ketch doing.Dem boys hear de Sandra Gyal give Soulja Bai a pack of cards de other day. Soulja Bai ask she is wha he gon do wid dat?Suh,Wholesale China Jerseys, Sandra Gyal tell he that wid all dem scampishness wha tekkin’ place under yuh nose, you might want tuh practice shuffling.? You might also want to read yuh Bible. Check Matthew 5,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, verse 30.Soulja Bai look she full in she face and just smile. Then he go and pick up he Bible, find de chapter and verse. It seh, “If your right hand offends you,Jerseys From China, chop it off.”And he got a right hand that becoming sticky because it jump in bed and hanging around some of Jagdeo big time scamps.Dem boys seh he can’t even see some of dem same big time scamps like stray dogs. Stray Dog does come and sit beside you fuh mek it look as if dem protecting you. But in fact dem looking fuh food and a good life. Some of dem does tek anything yuh throw at dem.Is the same ting wid dem who use to hang around Jagdeo. Govt change and dem run from Jagdeo to Joe Humble who dem,Bobby Orr Jersey, believe is de powerhouse in de new administration.Dem boys hear he nah only hug dem up but flying and sleeping wid dem.Stray dogs will never ask wha dem can do fuh de govt; all dem concern is wha de govt can do fuh dem.Talk half and careful wid stray dogs around you. Just tink of de Bees when yuh see a Stray Dog.