標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys 21
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-25 01:54  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale NFL Jerseys 21
Gunshots rang out in Plaisance yesterday afternoon with the shootingPolice ranks comb the scene of the shooting for spent shells.of two young men in what many are describing as vigilante justice.Giovani Leitch,Cheap Jerseys From China, 21, of Tucville, Georgetown and his friend Devon Agard, of Claybrick Road,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara,?? are nursing gunshot wounds at the Georgetown Public Hospital where they were rushed after gunmen opened fire on them a short distance from the Plaisance Market.Lietch, called ‘Jo Jo’, was shot several times in his chest and other parts of his body. His condition is listed as critical.Agard,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, called ‘Chucky’ was shot in the abdomen and is in less danger as his condition is listed as stable.From all indications Leitch was the target of the gunmen and Agard just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.No one knows what exactly the motive for the shooting was but according to a source, Leitch had earlier indicated that he was being hunted.According to a relative of Agard, Leitch who is originally from Plaisance had visited Agard’s Goedverwagting home yesterday morning and had told him that he needed to cool out since he had some problems with persons in the city.“He (Agard) told him he could rest down for the while. They both went upstairs and then ‘Jo Jo’ say he going Plaisance. I don’t know that Devon gone with he,” the relative told this newspaper.Persons in the area where the shooting occurred could not give a detailed account of what happened.One person related that one of the gunmen shot Leitch and then kicked him in his face while he was on the ground then shot him again before he and an accomplice ran way and boarded a car that was parked on the Railway Embankment.The eyewitness said that Agard who was also wounded, was lying in a nearby drain calling for a taxi.Police eventually arrived and took the badly injured Leitch in their vehicle to the hospital.“He wasn’t talking and there was froth coming from his mouth,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,” said a source, who assisted in putting Leitch into the police vehicle.Another car eventually took Agard to the hospital.Investigators recovered a few .32 spent shells at the scene.There was pandemonium at the Georgetown Public Hospital where relatives had gathered after receiving word of the shooting.They believed that the shooting was an execution attempt on the life of Leitch, since the shooters appeared to have had him under surveillance for quite a while,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, only to pounce at the earliest opportunity.Another source at the hospital said that there was an ongoing tension between the victims and their attackers concerning an alleged robbery. The source explained that the shooter had gone to the relatives of one of the victims and had threatened that they would cause him harm because he had “violated his mother.”The source continued that the shooter claimed that his mother was robbed by one of the men and that the woman bore a scratch on the neck after they reportedly snatched the woman’s chain.It was also understood that some time during Friday evening the police had captured an alleged suspect in the chain snatching incident and had given him a sound thrashing to divulge who else had committed the crime.Apart from that beating,Wholesale Jerseys, the source said the suspect received another thrashing from the alleged shooters when they had gone to the police station. “That’s how come they come for de boys because dem name call at de station,” the source said.