標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys John Sauers
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-24 20:44  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys John Sauers
Following the recently announced promotions in the Guyana Police Force,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, the organisation has already commenced a massive reshuffling programme, which will see some of the newly appointed Assistant Commissioners given new postings.Heading the list of transfers is present Head of the Central Immigration and Passport Office, George Vyphius,Evan Engram Jersey, who will be sent to Berbice as the Divisional Commander.He will replace Assistant Commissioner Khrishna Lakeraj, who will be returning to the city to take up a senior administrative post at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary. Superintendent Carol Primo is expected to take over as Deputy Chief Immigration Officer.The move comes in light of the imminent departure of Deputy Commissioner Edward Wills, who will be retiring from the force shortly.Former Commander of the G Division (Essequibo),Wholesale China Jerseys, Wreyford Johnson, who was recently promoted to the rank of Senior Superintendent,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, will be Vyphius’s deputy in Berbice, while Superintendent Simon McBean will remain in the division as the third in command.Essequibo will have a new Commander in the person of Superintendent Griffith, who is at present the third in command at Brickdam. There will be no commander changes in A, C,Andy Pettitte Jersey, and E&F Divisions.Newly promoted Senior Superintendent David Ramnarine will become the second in command for the Linden and Interior Division under Commander, Assistant Commissioner Nolan Hendricks.He will be replaced at Brickdam by newly promoted Superintendent Maxine Graham.Former Public Relations Officer and Officer in Charge of the Bartica Police Station, John Sauers, has been sent to the West Demerara as Deputy Commander, under Assistant Commissioner Paulette Morrison. Superintendent Trevor Sampson, who heads the Alberttown Police Station, will be sent to the East Coast of Demerara as the third in command.This newspaper understands that leading crime investigator and newly appointed Senior Superintendent, Winston Cosbert, will move to the headquarters of the Criminal Investigations Department as the Deputy Crime Chief.He will replace another Senior Superintendent and top narcotics detective Louis Crawford, who will now be the second in command at Brickdam.Significantly, there is no new appointment for newly promoted Assistant Commissioner Steve Merai, who has been in charge of the almost defunct Department of Research and Planning at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary. All the new appointments will be effective from January 16.The moves come in the wake of the retirements of several top police officers within the past year, and the recent confirmation of Henry Greene as Police Commissioner.With the imminent appointments,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, the force will now return to the status quo, in which all the divisions, except in Georgetown, will be headed by Assistant Commissioners.However, this contrasts with recommendations by several experts on the planned police reform; they had suggested that there is no need for the divisions to be so top heavy.One report had recommended that the divisions should be headed by a Senior Superintendent, leaving the Assistant Commissioners to concentrate on policy making at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary.