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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-24 16:31  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping 41
A mechanic was placed on $375,Throwback Jerseys,000 bail on Tuesday on four counts of fraudulent conversion, when appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.David Montague, 41,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, of 283 West Ruimveldt Housing Scheme pleaded not guilty to a charge which stated that on March 18, last, being solely entrusted with $122,000 to purchase? machine parts he converted the money for his own use.Another charge stated that on February 9,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, being entrusted with $278,000 he converted the money for his own use. A third charge accused Montague of converting $100,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey,000 for his own use on December 18, 2009. The last charge stated that Montague allegedly converted $50,000 on January 7. The monies belonged to Godfrey Bovell.To all the charges Montague pleaded not guilty. He was represented by attorney Patrice Henry.The lawyer in his bail application said that prior to the allegation his client had an unblemished record.The lawyer explained that his client has being able to produce receipts showing that he purchased the items. The lawyer said that receipts were given to Bovell’s clerk.Henry further told the court that it would be strange for Bovell to keep giving his client money if there wasn’t any progress.Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford objected to bail because of the multiplicity of the charges.The prosecutor added that if bail is granted there is the likelihood of Montague leaving Guyana.However the magistrate granted bail to Montague,NFL Jerseys Supply, he is on $100,Wholesale China Jerseys,000 on three of the charges and $75,000 on the last charge.He is expected to make another court appearance on April 29.