標題: Wholesale Jerseys COHA
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-24 15:43  資料 私人訊息 
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The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has reiterated its call for transparency from the Government concerning the controversial One Laptop Per Family Project.During the Party’s weekly media briefing yesterday, PNCR Member of Parliament Ms. Cheryl Sampson said that the absence of a published project document appears deliberate,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, to facilitate the misuse of the project for political and corrupt practices.“The PNCR again calls on the Jagdeo regime to make full disclosures and publish the One Laptop Per Family Project document so that all taxpayers would be in a position to monitor its implementation in an atmosphere of transparency.”Sampson said that, “regrettably, President Jagdeo?appears unmindful of his legacy and may wish to ensure the fulfillment of the prediction and the unflattering analysis of his period in Office, published recently by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), under the caption, ‘Guyanese President Leaves a Tattered Legacy’.”?Sampson said that the PNCR had previously warned that the much touted and propagandised distribution of ninety thousand (90,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal,000) free laptops in Guyana under the OLPF Project was a developing scandal that illustrated the contempt which the Administration had for the people of Guyana.“Our Party acknowledged the benefits of accelerating education in the IT Sector and making all Guyanese computer literate, but it was emphasized that a major deficiency was the deliberate failure of the Government to circulate a detailed project document providing information on the method of procurement,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, as well as, the rules, guidelines and method of distribution of the laptops over the project period.”This lack of transparency, the PNCR MP said, provided the opportunity for both mismanagement and corruption that has become endemic in the Administration.“As predicted the daily disclosures on this project publicized in the national media confirm not only incompetence and mismanagement, but the vindictive nature of the PPP.”Ms. Sampson alluded to the fact that already two persons associated with this project have resigned or were dismissed, but these incidents leave more questions than answers.“For example, after nearly one year in their employ, the Office of the President appears pleased to announce that the person employed by them was a “blackmailer”, “scoundrel” and one who?”misrepresented his qualifications”.She added that the obvious implication of this revelation,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, if indeed true, is the flawed system of recruitment, an inadequate system for verification of credentials and the lack of principle in determining emoluments.“It is expected that any functioning Administration would verify the qualifications of the proposed employee and his suitability for the task to be undertaken before that person is employed”. Additionally, Ms. Sampson said,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, one would have expected that salaries and other benefits would be commensurate with standard guidelines.“There would also be a system of appraisal of performance. In these circumstances, it is significant that the Office of the President would await the resignation of an employee to criticise the person for poor performance.”Speaking about the issue of blackmail,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Ms. Sampson questioned why a Government that is expected to conduct its business on behalf of the people would be afraid of blackmail. She alluded to the fact that blackmail only becomes relevant if the blackmailer is confident that the victim has something to hide that may be illegal or embarrassing.“The question, therefore is, what does the Office of the President have to hide on a project for which financial allocations have already been made by the Parliament of Guyana”.