標題: Wholesale Jerseys From China Mark Cyrus
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-22 02:03  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys From China Mark Cyrus
A batch of sergeants of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), who graduated yesterday afternoon, was charged by the Chief-of-Staff Commodore Gary Best to uphold the principles of the Force, and to let their values be their guide.It was a historic day for the army as the 13 sergeants trained under the Leader Sergeant Course #1 at the Sergeant’s Academy graduated at a ceremony held at Drill Square, Camp Ayanganna. The sergeants – Jamaine Fraser, Adesini Benjamin, Herschel Gilead, Mark Cyrus,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, Ralph Osborne, Robert Adams, Esther Charles,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Robert Chisholm, Mark Critchlow, Shibekie Benjamin,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, Dornford Wray,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Elvis Haynes and Paul David – received their badges of rank after having successfully completed the six- month Leader Sergeants Course. Jamaine Fraser was adjudged the Best Graduating student while Mark Cyrus received the Chief of Staff’s Leadership Star.The Chief-of-Staff urged them to maintain a high standard of integrity, professionalism and good conduct in their professional lives.The Sergeant is considered the backbone of the military,Nike NFL Jerseys China, and this course has been designed to develop leaders at the middle management, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and attitude to serve in the GDF.Commodore Best, during a charge to the sergeants, said that even as another chapter of history in the force is recorded, they must serve with the qualities of being loyal to the country, its constitution, laws, their seniors and fellow soldiers.He said that it is important for them therefore to know what the force expects of them as a leader, and what is required of them, the complex maze of military standards, leaders, procedures,Wholesale China Jerseys, customs, rules and culture.“Your new badges of rank are testament that you have demonstrated to training staff, that you possess qualities of being honest in your personal and professional lives, and therefore, the force only expects the best from you,” he said. He urged them to not become involved in activities that will discredit them, their family, the army or the country.The leadership of the force has high expectations of the ranks, as a leader sergeant is always expected to do the right thing when unsupervised and is expected to supervise when unsupervised.He charged them to be truthful and honest throughout their career which will contribute to the strength of command in the senior Non Commissioned Officers’ corps and the force as a whole.“Be effective leader sergeants, place the good of the organisation above personal agendas, and be accountable for your actions, under the scope of your delegated authority and function accordingly,” he urged. (GINA)