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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-22 00:03  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched yesterday
Alfred Hope, 61, of 37 Norton Street, Bagotstown,Evan Engram Jersey, East Bank Demerara, is counting his lucky stars after he was attacked,Wholesale Jerseys From China, yesterday,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, and stabbed by a man who had accused him of being “romantically” involved with his wife.The suspect,Wholesale China Jerseys, who was identified as Keith Barker, also stabbed his stepson, Kester King, earlier in the day. According to reports, the suspect went to his wife’s home at 56 James Street, Albouystown, and told her that he had come to kill her because she was being unfaithful.However his plans were not fulfilled because the woman’s son intervened but was injured by the knife-toting man. The teen sustained injuries to his head and ear; and had to be rushed to the hospital by his mother.The suspect after leaving his wife’s home went to Hope’s workplace at Russell Street,Custom Raptors Jersey, where Hope operates as a taxi driver, outside of a tailor shop.According to Hope,Jerseys From China, he and the suspect were friends but the friendship ended because the man had attacked him last year, because someone claimed that he, Hope, was having an affair with the man’s wife.The man said that the suspect came out of the car. “He come up behind me and he say that today I gon dead because I deh with he wife,” Hope explained.He said that the suspect had two knives in his hand and started to advance him, but he ran into Charlestown.Hope said that as he ran the man was in hot pursuit. “I running away from he but he just deh behind me” the man explained.Hope said that he eventually stopped to speak to the man.“I stop because I see that he ain’t want to stop and I tried to talk to him but he just advance toward me”. Hope said that the suspect approached menacingly with the two knives and a scuffle ensued.He said that he managed to take away one of the knives and in the process he sustained a laceration to his wrist. The man related that after he received the cut to his hand the suspect started to stab him about the body. He was stabbed twice in the back and once in the region of his ribs.Hope said that after he was stabbed he managed to stagger around the corner where he saw a police patrol.“I stagger around the corner and see de police and they carry me to the hospital”. He said that the suspect was accosted by an off duty police officer, who, with assistance from public spirited persons in the area, arrested the attacker.Hope also told this newspaper that the suspect would always attack persons whom he thought was having an affair with his wife.Hope is currently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital.The suspect is being detained at the Brickdam Police Station where charges are likely to be laid against him.