標題: Cheap Soccer Jerseys but I does ignore him
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-20 23:21  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Soccer Jerseys but I does ignore him
–?? Says victim is obsessed A Bartica-Potaro businessman, who is being accused of dousing his former partner with a corrosive substance on Sunday,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, is distancing himself from the gruesome attack which has left his ex-lover hospitalised.Wounded: Travis JosephThe businessman, Junior Da Silva said that when the victim was attacked, he was at his business place working and he has surveillance footage and eyewitnesses to prove that he never left his business that night.Travis Joseph, 27, of Bartica claimed that he was burnt with acid around 02:30 hrs while he was sleeping. The father of one, who sustained burns to his face,Cheap Jerseys From China, right hand and chest, is a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).While Joseph did not see who threw acid on him, he accused his former employer of planning the attack on him. He explained that he had made a police report at the Bartica Police Station against the businessman when he found out that he was involved in narco-trafficking.However, a police source from the Bartica Police Station yesterday told this newspaper that Joseph never made a report against the businessman or about any illegal trade.Meanwhile, the businessman said that the victim was never one of his employees, but was in fact, his lover.“We were in love…we lived together for one year. I used to support him and his whole family. He never worked when he was living with me. He had maids and at 11:00 o’clock the next morning,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, he use to be sleeping while I’m working,” the businessman stated.Da Silva, who operates a hotel and night club in Bartica, said that his ex-lover and his family have been trying to obtain money from him since their relationship ended.“They are trying to set me up. I would never hurt Travis because I had loved him. When the incident occurred, Travis’ brother called me and tell me that they want $10M to settle the matter,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, but I didn’t do anything,” the businessman stated.The businessman believes that his former sweetheart has planned this entire attack.“I am with another man and I don’t have time with him. He would be calling my phone, asking for things,NFL Jerseys Outlet, but I does ignore him, because I don’t want anything to do with him…I moved on with my life,NFL Jerseys China, but he doesn’t want to move on because he wants to sit at home and I must mine he,” the businessman stated.“He is too obsessed.”Investigations are ongoing.