標題: Nike NFL Jerseys China AFC
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-20 20:52  資料 私人訊息 
Nike NFL Jerseys China AFC
The Alliance For Change (AFC) has received a draft Code of Conduct,Cheap NFL Jerseys, purportedly prepared by GECOM. He has indicated that his party has no objection in principle with the execution of one or several codes of conduct, as it has set and maintained its own standards of conduct and decorum since its formation as a Political Party in 2005.Leader of the AFC,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Raphael TrotmanRaphael Trotman, the AFGC Prime Ministerial candidate, said that this is being done whilst other stakeholders seem bent on using every surreptitious and scurrilous device to gain votes by any means necessary.Addressing the party’s weekly press conference at its Fourth Street, Campbellville,Jerseys NFL China, Trotman said that the party adheres to the principle of fairness and equitable access to the media for all parties and respect the integral partnership role the media has to play in the conducting of the elections.Trotman further noted that while in elections mode no media house or operative from any press conference, rally,Authentic Jerseys Sale, or political meeting open to the general public or the media should be banned.In addition, he said that no media worker should be subjected to ridicule or censure in the execution of his or her duties, or be directly or indirectly threatened, coerced, or otherwise subjected to duress by any media owner, publisher, manager or editor.He said that the AFC sees as significant,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the role of GECOM in being able to hold itself out as an independent and uncompromised agency that is capable of enforcing the Media Code that it now asks others to abide by.“The AFC has not forgotten the multitude of ills committed against it in 2006 and beyond which understandably causes it to be weary of empty promises being made.”He said that the party in power and its representatives (including Ministers) shall not combine their official visits with electioneering work, and shall not make use of official and state machinery or personnel during the conduct of these elections.“That Government transport including official aircraft and helicopters, vehicles,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, machinery and personnel shall not be used for the furtherance of the interest of the party in power.”“No contesting Political Party shall bribe eligible voters; the independence of all state institutions that support the conduct of these elections ( including but not limited to GECOM, the Advisory Commission on Broadcasting and the Media Monitoring Unit) shall be guaranteed and in the event of breaches of this code, action be taken in the interest of ensuring a free and fair poll.”He said that the AFC will be engaging all stakeholders to address these issues in the days and weeks ahead with a view to arriving at a mutually convenient and acceptable Code of Conduct “that we can all agree to be bound by.”