標題: Cheap Soccer Jerseys 2010
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帖子 22845
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閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-20 07:20  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Soccer Jerseys 2010
Days after this publication highlighted months of delay in the construction ofPreliminary works begin on La Parfaite Harmonie temporary bypass bridge.the $80M La Parfaite Harmonie Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara main access bridge, the unknown contractor has commenced constructing a bypass facility.According to workmen on site,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, materials have been mobilized to construct a temporary bypass bridge several hundred feet east of where the actual bridge will be built. The men were seen driving timber piles to construct the bypass.This new development comes one year after Dr. Roger Luncheon,Wholesale China Jerseys, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, announced that Cabinet gave its ‘no-objection’ to execute emergency works on the bridge.The contract was expected to see the transformation of the deplorable timber bridge linking Canal No.1 Polder and the housing establishment,Jerseys Cheap NFL, into a concrete structure.According to a Government bulletin on October 13, 2010,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali was quoted as saying that the new concrete structure will be constructed within four months and would have a life expectancy of 30 years.Ali had emphasized that the timber structure was constructed in 2000 at a cost of approximately $25M and was given a lifespan of 10 years, hence its expiry.It further revealed that the traffic is primarily due to the high level of investment,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, approximately $3B in infrastructural development over the years.There are two entrances to La Parfaite Harmonie- one through the Canal Number One Polder main road and another via Independence Street,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, La Grange.La Parfaite Harmonie is one of the largest housing schemes in the country with more lands being allocated to extend it even further.Another main access road has been planned for the housing area leading from the direction of the Demerara Harbour Bridge.