標題: Wholesale China Jerseys Le Ressouvenir
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-20 01:10  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale China Jerseys Le Ressouvenir
By Rabindra RooplallHigh levels of crime and violence pose a serious threat to both social and economic development and have the potential to reverse the gains which have been made over the past decades.These sentiments were expressed yesterday by Assistant Secretary General of CARICOM, Ambassador Colin Granderson, on the occasion of the media launch of the 2012 Caribbean Human Development Report.CARICOM ASG, Ambassador Colin GrandersonThe event was held at the Grand Coastal Hotel,Bobby Orr Jersey, Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara.The Ambassador explained that the emerging concept of citizen security, advocated for in the Report, is a relatively new one for most of the Region, “as we have been steeped in models focused primarily on the security of the State and on law enforcement as the major mechanism.? It is instructive that the 2010 Report of the CARICOM Commission on Youth Development highlighted personal insecurity as the number one concern of youth across the Region.”Adding that the Caribbean Community has recently embarked, through the Secretariat and its local and external partners, on the implementation of a CARICOM Social Development and Crime Prevention Strategy,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Ambassador Granderson said the approaches advocated in the Strategy are congruent with the Citizen Security concept.“The United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) played a critical role in the development and finalisation of the Plan and valuable support was provided by UNDP and by the Government of Canada in advancing the implementation of the Pilot phase.? This work is still in its infancy and the Secretariat looks forward to working with UNDP and our other partners in the roll out of the Plan,” he underscored.The Report serves to focus attention on the extent of the challenge facing the Region, but also makes a strong case for re-orienting perspectives with regard to dealing with crime and violence.? It makes compelling arguments for the coordinated involvement of a range of partners in addressing the solutions to this scourge which the CARICOM region is witnessing every day, primarily through the media.“I am pleased to note that this Caribbean Human Development Report has a strong focus on youth, building resilience and protective factors,Cheap NFL Jerseys, social inclusion, second chance (restoration and re-integration) and on education and training,” Ambassador Granderson noted.Significantly, the Report devotes specific attention to domestic violence,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, which has escalated in terms of the seriousness of injury and the increasing rate of mortality,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, and to the topical issue of gang violence.UN’s Heraldo Munoz“I also welcome its emphasis on the importance of a paradigm shift to address current realities such as community policing,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, social crime prevention, and the importance of creating that groundswell of support to change communities,” the CARICOM envoy stated.“We cannot afford to throw up our hands in despair as I’m sure we are sometimes tempted to do, if only for a fleeting moment. The situation requires resolute and sustained action on the part of governments, the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, the private sector, faith-based organisations, the media and other civil society groups, communities, families and individuals.? In other words a ‘whole of society’ approach to address these challenges which threaten our very existence.”He said the media is an important partner in this effort, and stressed the influential role which the media can play in the development of the Region by active engagement.UN Assistant Secretary General and regional director for the Caribbean and Latin America, Heraldo Munoz, said the region is home to 8.5 percent of the world’s population, yet it concentrates some 27 percent of the world’s homicides. Violence and crime, he explained, are therefore perceived by a majority of Latin American and Caribbean citizens as a top pressing challenge.He said the primary concern with citizen security is the issue of public confidence in state capacity to protect citizens and ensure justice.“If citizens lack confidence in the police, the judiciary and other public authorities, no amount of repression will restore security. The success of any law enforcement system depends on the willingness of the people to participate and contribute. For the state to enjoy the trust and commitment of the people, it must strive to eradicate exclusion, improve transparency, and create opportunities that encourage a sense of belonging,” the UN official stated.He added that a key message of the report