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Custom Raptors Jersey who is on leave
Criminal charges against two senior officials of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) who are accused of giving themselves millions in back pay, are likely not to happen anytime soon.Minister David PattersonGPL’s Deputy chief, Ash DeonarineDeputy Chief Executive Officer, Ash Deonarine, who is on leave, has offered to repay the money- over $27M of it- but GPL will have to wait until it is transferred from a US account that he has.The repayment offer was yesterday disclosed by Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson during a press conference at his Kingston office.The irregular payments to Deonarine and Director, Carvil Duncan, were reportedly picked up during a forensic audit ordered by Government into the PetroCaribe Fund.Auditors found the two payments and raised the matter. Deonarine was sent on leave with Government saying that the matter was to be handed to the police.Duncan reportedly paid himself $948,000 while Deonarine, over $27M. Deonarine is responsible for administration.He reportedly wanted to receive the same level of pay as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Technical),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Colin Welch, but his approaches to the Board of Directors were rebuffed.The payments to himself,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, representing back pay for the period January 2013 to June 2015,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, were reportedly made between May and June, shortly after the new Government took office. The payments were allegedly countersigned by Duncan, the Director.With regard to Duncan, the Board of Directors of GPL had approached Government to raise the Directors’ fees from $5,000 to $20,000 monthly but no decision was made.His back pay represented the 48 months he would have been a Director. Again, both Duncan and Deonarine signed off on the payments.Duncan had defended the payment saying that he was properly authorized.According to Patterson, files have been sent to the Ministry of Public Security and office of the Attorney General for possible actions. The forensic audit is being carried out by Nigel Hinds Financial Services and according to Patterson, it is proving “interesting but obviously we are waiting on the final report” which is expected to be out shortly.He said that Deonarine in defense of the monies he received argued that his actions were not incorrect as it was authorized by a Director.However,NFL Jerseys Supply, he asked for time to return the money, in light of the public criticisms.Patterson was unable to say if any of the monies were returned.Deonarine recently left the country. There is nothing barring him from leaving,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, the Minister said in response to questions.He insisted that Government will not direct the relevant agencies on how to handle the matter.Yesterday both Government and GPL officials said that it is unlikely Deonarine’s matter will go anywhere as there is a document authorizing the payment from Duncan,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, a signatory to GPL’s accounts. Deonarine was also a signatory.The question that arises is whether the payments were authorized. In Deonarine’s case, he has a document stating that the payment was.GPL is a state-owned entity that has been under fire for its spending and high tariffs. It is handling billions of dollars.