標題: Nike NFL Jerseys China the kid asks
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-19 09:07  資料 私人訊息 
Nike NFL Jerseys China the kid asks
Shame is a hell of a thing. And if anybody seh that de government ain’t got shame,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, then that person got to really know de government better than de people in this country. Since last year de price of gas start fuh drop pun de world market. Every country start fuh talk bout how gas price gone down but Donald and he crew didn’t budge.Dem boys seh that was like de typical con man—buy cheap and sell dear. Then people start fuh grumble because people does always look at dem neighbour. Whatever de neighbour got that is wha dem want. Guyanese even wearing winter coat in hot,Wholesale Jerseys China, hot Guyana and some women does wear dem high top wool boots in this country.Donald can tek a hint and other people can tek a hint. Now that de gas price gone down Donald gun call elections. Rohee already seh that is he mek gas price gone down in de world. He don’t travel.He nutten like he friend who gone to Brooklyn and staying wid he brother. This man really jumpy and dem boys want to know if do something bad in Guyana and run to de States. Every sound at he brother does mek he jump.De other day a bird pick pun de window and de man nearly faint. When dem children come home from school and den ring de door bell de man ready fuh run. Dem boys seh that he really run de other day. Two men in black suit tun up at he brother house. Was de wrang address. He brother live at 426 and de Feds wanted de man at 427.Dem knock pun de door and de brother open up. This man see de two men in black suit and he hear dem seh that dem is FBI.De funeral is this weekend. De man mek one holler and run to de back of de house and dive through de window. Even de Feds wondering wha happen. Just like how a lady wondering why she son had to ask so much question.She and she son driving home in a taxi because de rain was falling. All dem prostitutes tekking shelter under de awning of dem stores. That was when de boy ask he mudda wha dem women doing. De mudda tell he that dem waiting fuh dem husband.De taxi driver had to push he mouth in de people story.“Geez lady,Nike NFL Jerseys China, why you don’t tell him the truth? Dem is hookers,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, boy! They have sex with men for money.”The little boy’s eyes get wide and he says, “Is that true Mom?” His mother get vex but she had to admit that de taxi driver was right.After a few minutes, the kid asks,Wholesale Jerseys From China, “Mom, if those women have babies, what happens to them?”“Most of them become taxi drivers,NFL Jerseys China Cheap,” she said.Talk half and learn to keep you mouth to youself.