標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale of Sand Hills
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積分 68535
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閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-18 12:13  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale of Sand Hills
Edwin Joseph,Cheap NFL Jerseys, called “Eddoman”,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 44, of Sand Hills, Berbice River who was among a trio arrested by police at Sand Hills up the Berbice River on February 20, 2010 was on Monday sentenced to four years in jail. Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo handed down the sentence at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court after he was found guilty of possession of Narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.The case for the prosecution as presented by Corporal Roberto Figueira was that around 11:00 hrs on the day in question the police carried out a raid at a farm at Sand Hills, Berbice River where the defendant,Wholesale Jerseys China, along with Hadley Mc Kenzie, 19, and Royden Johnson,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, 20, of Sand Hills,Wholesale Jerseys, Berbice River,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, was found with a quantity of marijuana plants.The plants were of various heights, some as tall as 10 feet. The men were arrested and the contents weighed and it amounted to some 18 kilo grams.They were subsequently charged and placed before the courts where they were refused bail and remanded to jail. They were subsequently granted bail by the High Court.? Mc Kenzie and Johnson did not return for their trial and were earlier jailed for four years in their absence.Attorney at law Peter Hugh represented the accused. He indicated to the court that he intends to appeal the conviction.