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Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, has concluded that the credibility of Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, is identical to that of his predecessor, Bharrat Jagdeo.Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Mr. Khemraj RamjattanDuring his presentation at a press conference yesterday at the Side Walk Caf? on Middle Street, Georgetown, Ramjattan reminded members of the media corps of how the AFC was criticized about its claims surrounding the $8,000M in the Revised Wages and Salaries category. He insisted that this money has not been properly accounted for over the past five years.Ramjattan said that he did not respond to Dr. Singh’s initial response for “it simply revealed how scatter-brained the Minister was getting, now that his game was up and the Ministry’s scheming was being unraveled.”Dr. Singh then issued another response. In his statement, Dr. Singh did not speak directly to the AFC claims. Instead, he complained about Ramjattan’s integrity.The Finance Minister said, “Mr.Kemraj Ramjattan has been making some outrageously inaccurate claims regarding the level of salary increase that can be paid to public servants as provided for in the 2013 National Budget.“These public statements clearly demonstrate that the AFC, and in particular Mr. Ramjattan, is unfamiliar with the structure of the National Budget and has not been paying attention to answers provided in the National Assembly in relation to this precise matter,Evan Engram Jersey,” the Finance Minister said.“Yet, Mr. Ramjattan pretends to be of moral high ground when in fact, the information regarding the uses and purpose of the Review of Wages and Salaries was already presented to the entire nation through the National Assembly as recent as Tuesday,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, April 2, 2013 and in a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance on Sunday December 8,Cheap Jerseys Online, 2013.”Mr. Ramjattan having read the letter informed that there is not an iota of truth in this second response.“What he said then in April 2013 was indeed said. But it was all suspect and hollow. Just like in the previous year when he had said that the Opposition has the right to reduce proposed budgetary allocations which right he will respect,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, yet going to Court to argue that there was no such right.”Finance MinisterAshni Singh“It is not completely true to say that only about half of the approved $4.4B for Revised Wages and Salaries for 2013 was going to go towards increases for public servants. The most substantial part was supposed to, if not the whole of it. And, so too, it is not true that the other half was intended for new recruits and promotions.”The Member of Parliament contended that it would be most absurd to consider that new recruits and promotions from April 2 to December 10 would involve so much expenditure which amounted to approximately $2.2 B.He said that the Minister will now have to say how many new staffers the Public Service took on during that period and why.Ramjattan also said that the Minister will have to come forth with the said categories and salaries of the supposedly, “new recruits.”“Now that he is plausibly arguing that this sum catered for promotions,Throwback Jerseys, he has to inform about and account for all the said promotions.”The Attorney at Law said, “The Minister will not be let off the hook.”The AFC leader contended also that Dr. Singh’s credibility “has become the identical ilk like a predecessor of his or probably worse.”“We all remember when Jagdeo was, with all the theatrics of an Academy award winning actor, saying there was no money to pay additional increases to Public Servants because all the money, including those under the Revised Wages and Salaries allocation, had been used up for similar reasons ….new recruits and promotions… Now, it is the same disingenuous strokes but with a different batsman (Dr. Singh) playing them.”