標題: Wholesale Jerseys Inshan Williams
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-17 20:26  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys Inshan Williams
– placed on $300,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale,000 bailA 49-year-old US Embassy driver has been charged in connection with the death of 22-year-old Shonette Williams, who was struck down near Madewini two Tuesdays ago.Trevor McLean, of Lamaha Park,Wholesale Jerseys, was charged with causing death by dangerous driving when he appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday.He was placed on $300,000 bail and is to return to court on July 11.It is alleged that on June 10,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, last, Shonette Williams was walking near the Madewini Bridge at around 21:00 hrs when a diplomatic vehicle, which was driven by Mc Lean, struck her from behind.She was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital but eventually succumbed last Sunday without regaining consciousness.Meanwhile, Kaieteur News has confirmed that Williams’s relatives are seeking compensation from the Embassy.The victim’s husband,Jerseys NFL China, Inshan Williams,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, said that Embassy officials gave the family some documents to submit to an insurance company. He said that officials from the company informed them that they would have to get a lawyer.Mr. Williams pointed out that he has a three-year-old daughter who is now motherless.When contacted,NFL Jerseys Outlet, an official from the insurance company acknowledged that the company was “looking into the matter” but declined further comment.According to the victim’s husband, Embassy officials have told the family members that they should submit all bills from his wife’s funeral to the embassy.The US Embassy had assisted in paying Williams’s medical bills and reportedly also asked the family to submit all bills they incurred for funeral expenses.