標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Brazzy
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-17 06:53  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys Brazzy
There is an old saying, and Brazzy proving it right. It seh that guilty conscience speaks louder than words. Brazzy continue running. In de Hard Times paper he try fuh defend he actions.? He seh that when he sell de Santa Complex,Discount NFL Jerseys, he drive a hard bargain. Dem boys seh that he bargain was hard like a yellow plantain. He eyes pass people,Cheap Hockey Jerseys,Nobody want fuh know wha kind of bargain he drive, whether it soft or hard. People want fuh know how much you sell de US$50 million complex for Brazzy? Dem boys believe that y’all cut a deal; that you guys plan to give it away to de Rat and he best friend fuh next to nutten long before de so call sale. And you Brazzy damn well know that Bobby and Jagdeo is de richest couple de region got, and would ever see.Dem boys wouldn’t rest until you come clean. Fuh too lang you, Brazzy, been running Ponzi scheme wid de poor people of this country assets. You enrich yuhself and yuh bosses. De scheme coming to an end and all y’all got to guh to jail. Uncle Donald seh suh quietly.All Ponzi scheme does come to an end. Dem boys want remind dem bout Allen Stanford and Bernie Madoff, both of dem in pumpkin jumpsuit. And if you head hard,NFL Jerseys China, dem in jail and dem ain’t coming out.And every time dem boys talk ‘bout jail,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Bobby,Sale NFL Jerseys, Brazzy and now Rohee does get nervous. Rohee seh that he nah able wid jail. That is why he tek over de police commissioner wuk,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, yesterday.Dem boys seh that de first thing he do was to move Ramnarine, de man who dem didn’t give no money and seh dem give. And because de man talk, dem vex.Dem boys seh that dem now change Rohee name. He now name Lewoy Dumbell Whoey. Brumell is de other commissioner.Talk half and prepare fuh de other half in jail.