標題: Wholesale China Jerseys 222-8859
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-16 11:56  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale China Jerseys 222-8859
–?? ?consumers should check labels before when purchasingThe Food and Drug Department under the Ministry of Health is warning consumers not to use skin creams,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, beauty and antiseptic soaps or lotions that might contain mercury.According to the FDA, these products are marketed as skin lighteners and anti-aging treatments that remove age spots,Cheap Jerseys From China, freckles, blemishes and wrinkles.Some of the products, which were found to contain mercury are Lemon Herbal Whitening Cream, Lulanjina (cream), Creme Diana Qian Mei,Jerseys NFL China, Fasco (cream), Milk Cream, Savon pour L’ acne Diana soap and Cream Aghadar. These products were tested by the Minnesota Department of Health and were found to exceed the acceptable limit of one part per million (ppm).Some of the cosmetics that should not be usedThe Health Ministry says that exposure to mercury can have serious health consequences. Mercury,Jerseys NFL Cheap, which is readily absorbed through the skin, can damage the kidneys and the nervous system and interfere with the development of the brain in unborn babies and young children.“People, particularly children can get mercury into their bodies if a member of the household uses skin cream or soap containing mercury and the product gets unto their hands by touching and then by putting their hands and fingers into their mouth, which they are prone to do. If you are using or have a product as shown,Custom Raptors Jersey, stop using this product immediately,” FDA said in a statement.The agency is requesting that consumers should check the labels when purchasing cosmetics which must be labeled in English.“If you see the words “mercurous chloride”, “calomel”, “mercuric or mercury”, as any ingredient, do not purchase the product. For any queries please contact the Food and Drug Department. On telephones numbers 222-8857, 222-8859,Jerseys From China, 222- 8860,” the FDA noted.