標題: Andy Pettitte Jersey hbsbgags
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-16 08:28  資料 私人訊息 
Andy Pettitte Jersey hbsbgags
Detective Sergeant Suraj Singh yesterday maintained that neither he nor any of the ranks in his presence assaulted Deon Greenidge nor any of the other men accused of killing Dweive Kant Ramdass. Singh was at the time being crossed examined by defense counsel Latchmie Rahamat.Greenidge, along with Sherwin Hart and Devon Gordon, are all charged with the 2009 murder of Ramdass,Wholesale China Jerseys, who was a gold miner. Rahamat was posing questions to Singh about whether he saw if Greenidge had any visible injuries that would suggest that he was beaten.“I’m putting to you Mr. Singh,Jerseys From China, that Deon Greenidge could have hardly stepped on his left leg and his right arm also had injuries” Ms Rahamat suggested to Singh. However the witness maintained that he never saw anything that would suggest that he “Greenidge” was beaten.The lawyer further put to the witness that a caution statement which was given by Greenidge and read by Singh was a “deliberate fabrication” stating that the accused was incapacitated due to the “alleged beating”.The witness was further questioned about a station diary which certain information was supposedly written inside. According to Singh, he had made several checks for the diary last month but did not locate it.Rahamat sought to suggest to the witness that without that station diary,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, there was no way to verify his claim of what Greenidge said. Singh however did not admit to what the lawyer was saying. He said that he related what was translated.The next witness to be called after Singh was woman Corporal Yvonne Manjet. Manjet is stationed at the Parika Station and she is one of the first police officers to come into contact with the accused men.Manjet said that she checked a bag containing $5.7m which was in the possession of one Vanda Adolphus.?? Manjet said that it was Deputy Superintendent Terrace Paul,Wholesale Jerseys From China, who later came and arrested the suspects and the woman. The matter is expected to continue next week at the Suddie High Court before Justice Franklyn Holder.Senior State Prosecutor Judith Gildharie-Mursalin is presenting the case for the state. Attorney at law Latchmie Rahamat is representing the three men.The former army ranks were manning the Coast Guard RC 12 motor boat in the Essequibo River,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, when they allegedly confronted Ramdass in a boat at the Parika Stelling.They allegedly forced him into their boat and took him to another location in the river where they relieved him of $17M in cash,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, which he was carrying in a box to Bartica for his employer, who operated a gold and diamond business in the city.