標題: Jerseys NFL China ag
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-15 09:58  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL China ag
– Brumell tells West Coast Demerara residents during visitCommissioner of Police (Ag) Leroy Brumell yesterday urged West Coast Demerara residents, specifically those at Meten-Meer-Zorg, to take back their communities from criminals.? Brumell made the remarks at the Meten-Meer-Zorg Primary School during an interactive outreach meeting with residents who are still traumatized by the recent murder and subsequent shootout in their community.Deputy Commissioner of Police (Law Enforcement) Seelall Persaud, newly placed Divisional Commander Eric Bassant, second in command Clifton Hicken and police Public Relations Officer Ivelaw Whitaker were also present.From right: Second-in-Command Clifton Hicken, Crime Chief Seelall Persaud, Divisional Commander Eric Bassant and Police Public Relations Officer Ivelaw Whitaker. Commissioner (ag) Leroy Brummell addresses the crowdThe Top Cop told residents that it is their duty also to protect themselves from criminals, while encouraging them to be more pro-active towards their safety. Brumell said citizens are getting fed up of criminals coming into their communities, committing crimes and leaving residents overwhelmed by fear.But he also pointed to previous incidents where victims of violent crimes retaliated against perpetrators. One such incident was the shooting death of Sheldon Cheddie, also called “DJ Cheddie” in the Tucville area. Recounting how members of the public had apprehended one of the assailants, Brumell said, “We have to take back our communities from these persons.”“We in the communities have to work together. We have to be our brother’s keeper.”Speaking particularly to those with licensed firearms,Wholesale Jerseys, he said,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, “I must not be a firearm holder,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, and there is a robbery and I just peep and that’s it. I expect that firearm holders don’t be selfish in their communities. I expect them to come forward.”Crime Chief Seelall Persaud stated that a closer relationship has to be developed with the police and community members so as to improve neighbourhood security. He explained that when people are not accustomed to a certain level of violence such as gunmen causing chaos in their community, it leaves a detrimental impact.Persaud noted a risk factor of a growing youth population,Wholesale China Jerseys, “disproportionately involved as perpetrators and victims of crimes; and this occurring at a time where we see less effective major social institutions.”Seelall spoke further about economic woes facing families, which leads to parents spending less time with the children. As a result, the Crime Chief told the gathering about programmes the police have for youths and how these programmes can deter them from crime. It was also stated that police are seeking to involve community members such as religious leaders to work with petty criminals rather than imprisoning them.But many West Demerara residents complained about the tardy response by police to criminal activity in their communities. One woman called for the reintroduction of the death penalty, a call that was supported by the Commissioner who pointed out, however, that that issue has to be discussed.The woman also called for an increased police presence on roadways and the indefinite confiscation of licences for motorists charged with causing death while driving under the influence.A section of the gatheringAnother community member spoke about police road blocks being conducted in dark areas on the roadway. He spoke about an incident where police ranks were on the roadway but he thought twice about stopping since the ranks could not be easily identified as lawmen.Another resident suggested the creation of licence plates that stipulate the origin of vehicles so as to prevent falsifying of licence plates during crimes. To that,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, the Crime Chief said steps are already in motion with the Guyana Revenue Authority for standardized licence plates.The community members also appealed for more resources for the effective functioning of Community Policing Groups. The head of the Tuschen community policing group said they are unable to function effectively because of the lack of materials. He spoke further about conflicts between police ranks and members of his CPG. A request was further made for closer ties with higher members of the Force.Several residents expressed gratitude to the senior officers,Wholesale Jerseys, with a collective call being made and reiterated for the confirmation of Brumell as Commissioner of Police. The residents say they are happy with t