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Peter Ramsaroop,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, Chairman of Vision Guyana, under the banner of ‘The People’s Partnership’ yesterday officially announced that he has entered the race for the President of the Republic of Guyana at elections scheduled for sometime next year.The announcement is not a surprise given that Ramsaroop had established an exploratory committee in 2007.Ramsaroop’s political experience includes a role as a key Reform Member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and a brief period as Chief Executive Officer of the Alliance For Change.Peter RamsaroopRammsaroop had left Guyana after graduating from North Georgetown Secondary School and received his education which includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Management/Finance and a MBA in Technology and Economics from the University of Missouri.Ramsaroop also served as Patron for the renowned Rose Hall Youth and Sports Club and the President of the Guyana Table Tennis Association.He was also the main company sponsor for the Western Tigers which was known then as the Roopgroup/CariAir Western Tigers.Ramsaroop says he is confident that his vision for a better today for all Guyanese is achievable,Cheap NFL Jerseys, “where none of us ever feel the wrath of a government as many do today.”A determined Ramsaroop said in his campaign launch, the theme of the drive is “Together we will….Our message will be simple but yet focused on the needs of our people.”He said that, “Together we will strive to bring equality to all, wherein all people can benefit from the state resources…Together we will ensure that the heavy tax burden we now have will be reduced specifically the Value Added Tax (VAT) to 10 per cent with an increased tax threshold for working families.”He said that the ‘Peoples Partnership’ will open the country’s economy and connect with Guyana largest neighbour Brazil by rail or road.“Our national energy policy will increase our sugarcane growth to produce alternative fuel such as ethanol.”He promised that under a Ramsaroop presidency, teachers will be paid competitively and there will be allowance for some concessions. They will also be provided with adequate teaching facilities as they are “the individuals shaping the future of Guyana’s children.”He said that the process will be about the radical transformation of the economy.According to Ramsaroop, “Together we will be strong and become a leading nation,Evan Engram Jersey, not overnight, but with our own Guyanese dream that we can all believe in…Let’s cherish and respect our flag and revive our patriotism,Andy Pettitte Jersey, teach our children that we are a proud nation of many people of different races and culture but with one destiny.”He drew reference to his two books on Guyana, “and Our Progressive Blueprint for Change Agenda will detail the partnership programs.”He is adamant that no more must Guyanese keep hearing the word “potential” used for describing the country.Ramsaroop says that the word has a negative connotation, “now we must turn it into opportunities,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, utilising our rich resources such as oil, gold,Cheap NFL Jerseys, diamond and vast agriculture production… Let us stop selling out our nation for cheap dollars that go into the hands of wicked officials.”He said also that once in office there would be an immediate review of the Low Carbon Development Strategy.“We don’t need just free money, I would expect Norway, one of the richest countries with no unemployment, for example, to bring in expertise on ship-building and other major industries that can create jobs for our people if we are not to cut down our trees, or the money be programmed for specific infrastructure changes such as multiple small hydro plants around the country such as Tiger Hill and Bartica.”Ramsaroop opines that his successful business career and management of large companies and people will give him a solid foundation to lead the nation to a higher level.He believes that politicians should be there to serve not just to refer to the massive corruption and excessive spending as reported by the Auditor General.Ramsaroop is adamant that a rewrite of the constitution must be embarked in the first 100 days of any new government to take away the executive powers of the President.President Jagdeo cannot contest the election, and according to Ramsaroop, “no one in the PPP that they plan to put up can step up to the job.”“He or the party has groomed no one that has the international experience necessary to run a country…I believe Guyana must be run like a business, we have to make sure we have employment for all.