標題: Jerseys NFL Wholesale transportation of employees
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-14 04:30  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL Wholesale transportation of employees
– equipment, workers’ compensation targeted Russian-owned RUSAL/Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc (BCGI) says that it plans to plug almost US$4.5M ($900) into its operations this year.Already, the company which is part of the UC RUSAL,Nike NFL Jerseys China, the world’s largest aluminium producer, has purchased a new hydraulic material handler to offload ore from its bauxite barges. The equipment will replace a now obsolete dragline which was used previously at its Kwakwani worksite, located further up the Berbice River.“The availability of the new equipment at its full capacity will allow improved speed and efficiency of offloading. With the introduction of the material handler, not only will the operations save time, but also result in less damage to the barge deck.”BCGI said that it is training 10 employees who will receive certificates at the end of the exercise.A second unit is expected to be introduced in the second quarter of this year.“RUSAL plans to increase its investment in BCGI four-fold in 2011 compared to 2010 to nearly USD 4.5M.”Meanwhile,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, BCGI has disclosed that it has introduced measures to cover employees at both its Aroaima and Kwakwani sites,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, in case of injury or death.On June 30th last year, a minibus contracted to carry workers collided with a pickup, leaving one employee dead and several injured.According to the company yesterday, apart from any statutory or insurance benefits received from the relevant agencies,Cheap NFL Jerseys, it provided financial assistance to the family of Herman Wade, the dead employee.“The company has also covered the expenses for the coffin,Evan Engram Jersey, as well as funeral and wake arrangements, transportation of employees (co-workers and friends of the deceased from Linden Aroaima to Kwakwani) for the wake and funeral.”RUSAL is plugging almost $900M to boost its operations this year BCGI also covered expenses for medivac, medical inspections, surgeries and medical treatment of five employees.“The company has also arranged financial assistance for the employees during the period they were unable to work.”BCGI said it spent almost $5M.Explaining its new policy for extended coverage for employees who may suffer injuries,Soccer Jerseys From China, the mining company said it will be assisting employees who receive injuries on the job and “funeral arrangements in case of fatality in the course of production activity…”The new policy became effective from January 16th.