標題: Cheap Jerseys From China he said
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-13 00:55  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys From China he said
US$10M from Kuwait will develop housing areaA deal to get Iran to map Guyana’s mineral resources ranked high on President Bharrat Jagdeo’s report card when he held a press conference yesterday to report on his visit to the Middle East.The post-elections violence and claims of undemocratic actions by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s government following recent elections was not a big concern for Jagdeo; in fact he said he didn’t see the sort of violence portrayed on news networks such and CNN and Reuters, when he was in Tehran.What mattered to him was what he was able to get out of the visit.He said Iran has developed world class geo-science laboratories and has agreed to help map Guyana’s mineral resources, putting an end to traditional practice.For a very long time, he said, investors had to apply for a license to prospect for minerals such as gold, “in a hit and miss way.”However,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, Iran’s proposal will now help to change that,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and it is something Jagdeo said the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission is happy about since it has been trying to secure funding to assess the country’s mineral potential.But there is more that Jagdeo got out of Iran. The Head of State said that President Ahmadinejad agreed to his suggestion to help fund the construction of a teaching institution that will train young Guyanese doctors in specialist fields.He said that while hundreds of young Guyanese are on scholarships in Cuba and elsewhere, they will return as general medical officers, and they will be able to meet the needs of hospitals across the country; but the problem is finding specialists.Jagdeo said that the teaching facility could be built out of a US$1.5 million agreement on healthcare signed with Tehran. Iran will send its specialists doctors to do that training.The “best and brightest” of those young doctors who return to Guyana from Cuba and other countries will be selected to be trained in specialist areas, Jagdeo said.In the short term,Sale NFL Jerseys, he said, Guyana will continue to recruit specialist doctors from overseas.However, Iran was not the only country he visited. He was also in Kuwait.That country has agreed to give Guyana US$10 million for infrastructure projects.That will most likely go towards developing new housing areas on the East Bank,NFL Jerseys China, where the government recently acquired 2,000 acres of land from the Guyana Sugar Corporation to develop 10,000 new house lots.What Jagdeo didn’t get from Kuwait is a commitment to write off what now amounts to US$50 million in debt.Discussions on this will continue later in the year, Jagdeo said,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, possibly at the meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.Jagdeo said that the debt issue is a major one,Jerseys NFL Cheap, so Guyana can continue to build a viable debt strategy.