標題: Cheap Jerseys From China an unrepresented Towler
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-13 00:00  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys From China an unrepresented Towler
– Pregnant victim suffered blunt trauma to head, subdural haemorrhage – Gov’t PathologistState Pathologist,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Dr.? Nehaul Singh, yesterday testified that manslaughter victim Samantha Marques was pregnant when she sustained the injuries, which led to her demise.The victim was reportedly involved in a physical altercation with her reputed husband,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Gavin Towler, a few weeks before she died.Towler is currently on trial before Justice Joann Barlow at the Georgetown High Court.The court heard from Prosecutors Narissa Leander and Michael Shahoud that the accused had used a pillow and attempted to suffocate his wife after they were involved in an argument sometime between October 13 and 19, 2009.The victim’s daughters, Michelle and Sarah Vieira had testified that on October 13,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, 2009 their stepfather and mother had an argument. The witnesses recalled that the accused held their mother’s head under a pillow and used the palm of his hand to apply blows to her head and body. The incident reportedly took place at the couple’s Middle Road, Georgetown residence.It is alleged that following the incident, Marques continuously complained to her relatives about feeling unwell. She subsequently went to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where she was admitted and later died.In his sworn testimony yesterday, Dr. Singh detailed that based on his examination,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Marques died as a result of blunt trauma,Throwback Jerseys, subdural haemorrhage (bleeding into the space between the dura {brain cover} and the brain itself) and a fractured neck.Giving his expert opinion in response to questions posed by the prosecution,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Dr Singh noted that the injuries could have been caused by slapping but with “a great amount of force.”When given a chance to cross examine the witness, an unrepresented Towler, questioned the physician about statements he made in the Magistrates’ Courts.The accused pointed out to the doctor that he told the Magistrate that the victim’s injuries were “most likely,” caused by a fall.Dr. Singh responded in the affirmative. He explained that based on his examination there was bleeding on both sides of the brain, which is evident in instances, when a person (s) falls and hits their head at the point of impact.???? The trial came to an abrupt halt, following Dr. Singh’s testimony.? It is scheduled to continue today.