標題: Soccer Jerseys From China Ya Worship
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-12 05:26  資料 私人訊息 
Soccer Jerseys From China Ya Worship
Escaped prisoner Theon Smith,Nike NFL Jerseys China, 17,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, who also goes by several other aliases, was yesterday sentenced to 61 years’ imprisonment when he appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.Smith pleaded guilty to 15 counts of robbery under arms, which happened over a four-month period.On September 4, Smith robbed Molly Jeffers of $70,000 in cash and other items. On this charge he was sentenced to four years.On August 16, he robbed Janelle Andrews of two gold rings valuing $50,000,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a laptop computer worth $285,000 and $46,000 in cash. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment.Then, on September 29, he robbed Nicola Persaud of two rings and other items valuing $ 352,000.According to police prosecutor Sherwin Matthews, Smith walked into the store in which Persaud was working and inquired about a “jersey”. When Persaud went to look for the “jersey,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/,” he braced her and relieved her of the items. After he had finished robbing her, he locked the woman in the store.On this charge he was jailed for four years.On September 10, Smith robbed Sonia Jupiter of one diamond ring, valued at $62,Jerseys From China,000, and $30,Wholesale China Jerseys,000 in cash. For this he was sentenced to four years.Smith then robbed Juanita Ramjit of $20,000 in cash and other items. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment.For robbing Sheeriann McCalmont of two gold rings, one gold chain and a cell phone he was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment.The woman said that Smith cornered her in the rest room where she works, and “searched me like a police”. He took everything that I worked so hard for.She added that about a week after he robbed her, she saw him walking on the streets where she worked, and she called the police. He was later arrested and was positively identified.Smith also confessed to robbing Multi Tech Lab at New Market Street, Games Shop at the City Mall, Game Shop at Alberttown, Munchkins at Lamaha Street, and the Genesis Pet Shop in North Road. He was sentenced to 24 years’ imprisonment for these five counts of robbery.Theon Smith was also given a four-year sentence for escaping from lawful custody on October 2. He had escaped from the Camp Street prison after he was mistaken for a carpenter. He was later recaptured in the West Ruimveldt area after police received a tip-off.When asked by the magistrate if he had anything to say, Smith said that he was “admitting because, “Ya Worship, I can’t fight this”. Some of the charges would, however, run concurrently so he would only spend the next 15 years in jail.