標題: Wholesale Cheap Jerseys Geeta
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-10 21:22  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Cheap Jerseys Geeta
…says mother of two arrested for Triumph robberyThe mother of two of the three persons arrested for the robbery and severe beating of Triumph, East Coast Demerara businessman,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, Mohamed Husain, says her two sons were following their friend home.Senita Henry said that her sons – one an employee of the Guyana Revenue Authority and the other a juvenile – were accompanying their friend home to Good Hope. They live at Plaisance.On Friday night,Wholesale Jerseys, the businessman was attacked by three-gun toting bandits. Three people have been arrested.? But Henry claims that her two sons are no thieves. She insisted that they had followed their friend home and it was on their way back that they were picked up by the Police.She said that she noticed her sons had not returned home and decided to contact the nearby Plaisance Police Station to see if the Police might have picked up her sons for riding without lights or brakes.However,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, she said that the Police station informed her that no Henry was held there. She said she then decided to check with the friend who her sons had gone to drop home.It was then that she was told by the boy’s relatives that the three of them were being held at the Beterverwagting Police Station.As of yesterday, Henry said her sons were not yet placed on an identification parade. Kaieteur News understands that the man who has been attacked is still in hospital and is unable to attend the ID parade.The businessman received a chop to the head and was beaten in his face with a gun. His entire face was bruised,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, but he was listed as stable at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.Husain and his wife, Geeta, operate an off licence liquor shop at their Suratt Drive home.On Sunday,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, the wife explained that the shop had already closed for the day,Cheap Jerseys Online, but the front door was still open. She said that one of the bandits pretended to be a customer and asked to purchase a beverage.The woman said the man left and returned within 10 minutes, but she was in the bathroom so she sent her husband to tend to him.Geeta said that she heard her husband scream, so she went to see what had happened. The woman was confronted by two bandits; another bandit was at the gate as a lookout. She said that the bandits immediately went to the drawer which held the day’s earnings, amounting to $10,000.Not satisfied, the bandits still demanded more money from the couple. The woman said she told them they did not have any more money.The bandits then started hitting Husain in the head with their guns as his wife stood watching helplessly. The woman said that she screamed out and told them the family had jewellery upstairs and they could take everything.The bandits managed to cart off a quantity of gold jewellery and electronic devices.