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註冊 2017-5-25
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Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet Haier Company
…as Nadir reiterates they are not for spyingThe first batch of 5,000 laptops arrived at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport yesterdayThe first batch of laptops being de-planed yesterdayand forms the first consignment to be used for the Government’s One Laptop per Family Programme.On hand for what was described to be a milestone in the history of the country was Minister with Responsibility for the programme, Manzoor Nadir, Senior Project Manager for the project,Cheap Jerseys From China, Sesh Sookdeo, and Brian James the representatives of the supplier (Haier Company) among others.Minister Nadir explained that the devices will be sent to the most sophisticated bond in the country at Farm where they will be inventoried and beginning next week distribution across eight regions will commence.Senior Project Manager Sookdeo, addressing those gathered at the airport,Cheap NFL Jerseys, yesterday, said that? the last time there was a major announcement as it relates to the programme they had indicated that the computers would arrive in October and that the shipment fulfilled a realization of the commitment.He said that following the launch of the programme along with its related components such as the tender process some 44,000 applications were obtained,Custom Raptors Jersey, 19,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey,000 of which have been verified to date.He did note that the verification process continues and that there are teams undertaking this venture on a daily basis.“We will be delivering these laptops commencing next week across the country…(the process) will go in a planned manner…in a phased manner,” said Sookdeo.He pointed out, too, that the supplier that won the contract to supply the devices had 60 days to do so but they have fulfilled this aspect of its mandate with ample time to spare.Nadir, who was given the responsibility, reiterated the government’s position that the programme is not a part of an election gimmick. Further, they are not equipped with any software or hardware to undertake any spying activities.He was responding to speculations that the systems would be used to spy on the populace from within their homes.Nadir said that the government is hopeful that by year-end it can deliver laptops to Guyanese families.The laptops landed in Guyana yesterday cost some $US1, 4M according Nadir.He assured that the process has been very meticulously rolled out with a young and professional staff that operates from the Secretariat.“Today while the government is very proud to fulfill a commitment and a promise, the exercise today…is really proof that this thing has been well planned.”Speaking to the skeptics Nadir assured that,Jerseys NFL Cheap, “this is not the end…it is the beginning of the first 27,000 that the government has procured.”Brian James hands over one of the systems to Minister Manzoor Nadir as Sookdeo and OLPF Public Relations Officer Nia Phill looks onNadir spoke, too, of another contract that the Chinese are close to being awarded for another 31,000.This represents a 50M Yuan grant to the Government of Guyana according to Nadir who reiterated that the additional 31,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys,000 laptops will be in the country by year-end.Nadir reiterated also that 35 hubs across the eight Regions will now be operational where persons will be trained and will be all eligible to use the Hubs free of cost.The two regions that are yet to have hubs activated are Region Eight and Region Nine. Nadir said that the challenge in those locales is the constant supply of reliable electricity as well as internet connectivity.Nadir stated that from today tests will be conducted on the systems that have arrived to ensure that they are in keeping with the requisite specifications.The Minister did point out that recipients of the laptops will have to repay for them should they be lost.“If a recipient does not care this laptop the loss is going to be their family’s,” said Nadir.James who represents the Haier Company in Guyana through his service contract, told those gathered that the suppliers of the laptops have provided a warranty that is six months beyond the stipulated one year that the Government had requested.He said that the staff required for the various aspects of the program have been employed and are in place.James said too that four individuals from the Supplier will be in Guyana in the coming week, “to train our local people to bring them up to standard to their higher standards.”He said that the supplier has intimated to them that the failure rate of the laptop provided is less than one per cent worldwide, “and so we don’t envision a prob