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…as thousands turn up for APNU+AFC rally post NominationWith A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) having presented its lists of candidates, thousands of supporters marched through central Georgetown yesterday afternoon, escorting their leadership to Independence Park for their first post-Nomination Day rally.AFC Executive Nigel Hughes addressing the gathering.Certain sections of the city were brought to a standstill as the entire proceeding unfolded, exacerbating the current traffic woes existing in the city.The atmosphere was a jubilant one as the masses danced to the multi-cultural selections that were played during the rally.AFC executive Nigel Hughes, addressing the milieu of gold and green, reminded those gathered of the historical significance of the ground. He also called for a moment of silence in reflection of all who had lost their lives in the process of fighting for freedom.‘It has been a long and painful journey. And we have lost brothers and sisters along the way. We lost Shaka Blair. We lost Ronald Waddell. We lost over 400 sons and most recently we lost Courtney (Crum-Ewing).”Citing the prorogation of parliament as one instance of misuse of presidential power,Jerseys From China, he called for the curtailing of such prerogatives.“There are some fundamental things we have to do so that we do not backslide again. And one of these is to change the Constitution!”“We must understand what about the Constitution has led us to where we are. Never again must we vest in any head of state the powers of a king or the powers of a queen. Because it is only kings and queens who don’t have to answer to the people. Once we elect a president, he must be liable to us and he must not be a minority president!”“Any President must be a majority president. And we must change the Constitution so that never again will a president wake up one morning and when the people say we have no confidence in you, he removes the parliament.? No more prorogation by any king!”Hughes reminded the gathering that there was more to be done,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, and that to be complacent at this junction was a mistake. He related the importance of preserving unity.“How are we going to protect this unity? Unless we can protect this unity we will end up exactly where we were last year and four years ago. We would have failed our foreparents who gave their blood and died to see this day of unity.”“We have made many missteps in the past. We have distrusted ourselves and our neighbours. But now that we have this opportunity, we have to show humility. We have to show that we are strong and committed. We have to demonstrate that we will fight, come what may, to protect this unity.“And I have news for you. If you thought Courtney Crum-Ewing was provocative, in the next 34 days you will see even more provocation!” Hughes exclaimed, much to the crowd’s approval.“We have to be our brother’s keepers, because they will attack our brothers and sisters. They will try to drive wedges between us,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, because we are facing a desperate regime…a regime that understands that we have only changed Governments once in fifty years. That is our failing as a people.”Hughes also touched on some of the controversial projects undertaken by the administration, “in the name of conservation and economic progress”.“The future of this country does not depend on giving away large tracts of land to people to develop it, when we can develop it ourselves!”“How is it possible that the sons and daughters of slaves and indentured servants can sit down and be told that,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, while foreign nations are given hundreds of thousands of acres to cut trees, when we can cut trees? There is no magic in protecting the environment. We as citizens can protect the environment. We don’t need any foreign powers telling us how to manage our resources.”“How dare someone tell me, in 2015,Throwback Jerseys, that they have to give us a house lot, which we paid for, like if they are doing us a favour? We have already paid, through our foreparents,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, for every square inch of this country!”Hughes did not spare himself or his colleagues in the opposition. He assured the gathering that they were also accountable and thus the citizenry must never allow them to misuse their office.Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) chairman Ryan Belgrave also addressed the gathering, condemned the PPP/C for its failed youth initiatives.AFC youth leader Trevor Williams also spoke to the crowd. Wielding his ID card, he urged citizens to ensure that they were on the list of electors in their respective