標題: Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey …
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-3 18:48  資料 私人訊息 
Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey …
… New building extension will fix the problem – says PROTwo mothers and their newborn babies sharing a bed has become a norm in the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), according to the Public Relations Officer, Sabatini Daniels.On Tuesday,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Kaieteur News received a call from a pregnant mother who claimed that she was turned away while in labour, by the GPHC maternity ward,Evan Engram Jersey, because there was no bed available.However, the hospital’s Public Relations Officer debunked the claims since the hospital does not turn patients away. “GPHC does not turn anybody away”. She explained that the policy is followed by the health institute because in a case of a mishap the hospital will be held liable.At the time that the woman claimed there were no bed, Daniels disclosed that only 16 of the 25 beds were occupied. This publication was reliably informed that the woman is now a patient at the institute’s maternity ward. The previous day she was not in labour and was so advised by the doctor who examined her.She was then advised to go home until she was ready.? Yesterday a Kaieteur News reporter visited the ward. After a long wait for doctors to complete “running the ward”,Bobby Orr Jersey, which delayed visitation time for close to half an hour, the reporter was able to enter the ward.On entering one would believe that nothing was amiss besides the heat wave, but upon getting to the back of the ward, mothers were seen not only sharing bed with each other but bedside space too. Visitors of both patients flocked the single bed space to interact with their relatives.In the back section of the top floor, there were some beds that were being shared by two mothers and their newborn babies. Although some mothers were being discharged, the shortage of beds still remains an ongoing issue.Daniels said that the hospital is a public institution, and as such, it will attract many who cannot be turned away. This often leads to overcrowding of the maternity ward. She dismissed the issue of heat,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, stating that the ward was filled with fans. She said that the present extension being constructed,Wholesale Jerseys, will serve to fix the problem.The Maternity Ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital is expected to undergo expansion and remodeling, following the turning of the sod for the $263M project. The expansion is being funded by the government.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the GPHC, Michael Khan, emphasized the role the hospital played in safeguarding the lives of mothers and babies who passed through its doors. The hospital delivers more than 60 per cent of the babies born in Guyana each year. He said the hospital recorded its highest ever number of babies born with a figure of 6,085 last year.According to Khan,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the GPHC is the national referral hospital and deals with cases from across the country. He also said that it is the only referral hospital for high-risk pregnancies and emergency cases.Khan admitted that the demand is oftentimes overwhelming.? Since the opening of the maternity unit in 1988, adequate spacing has always been a challenge.He said that the issue would see patients having to share beds. “We do not turn away women in need of care,” Khan emphasized.Khan said that the expanded ward will earn the hospital an additional 40 beds. The ground floor will also be remodeled with training rooms, offices, a neonatal clinic and Doctors’ On Call Rooms.Further, two operating rooms, the birthing room and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on the top floor will be included.He said the expansion is the largest ever rehabilitation of the building and will be completed by PD Contracting with design and supervision by KALITECH Inc. The project began on February 16 of this year. It is expected to be completed by February 14, 2016.Unfortunately patients will have to share beds whenever necessary, until the February 2016 completion of the maternity ward extension building. But they can expect good health care from practitioners at the health facility.