標題: Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey Shazim Mohamed
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-2 18:01  資料 私人訊息 
Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey Shazim Mohamed
…Magistrate dismisses chargeFormer police detective, Shazim Mohamed, 27 of Britannia West Coast Berbice,Jerseys Cheap NFL, had a rape charged against him dismissed last Monday by Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmonds at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court.Shazim Mohamed, who was attached to the Criminal Investigation Department, was accused of committing the act on a 20-year old of Whim,Adidas Craig Smith Jersey, Corentyne,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Berbice woman between the July 16 and July 18, 2007 in an abandoned house in New Amsterdam.Mohammed,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, through his lawyer, Rodwell Jugmohan,Jerseys From China, claimed that he and the virtual complainant had a relationship which lasted for some time and that it was only after the young lady learnt that Mohamed was married that she made the allegation of rape.The woman had alleged that she was abducted by the former policeman and forced into a bus and taken to New Amsterdam.She had reported that they then stopped at a restaurant after which they boarded a taxi and proceeded to the house in New Amsterdam where she was held against her will from July 16, 2007.While there it is alleged that Mohamed forcefully and repeatedly had sexual intercourse with her.But Mohamed contended that he never raped the woman. He said that the two were involved in a sexual relationship.During the period in question they were at Church View International Hotel and the sex was consensual, he told the court.He further submitted that they had spent time in Suriname and also lived at his mother’s house for a period of time during which she never made a claim of being rape.The former cop stated that it was only after the woman leant that he was married and that they could not live together that she made the allegation.After perusing the evidence,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, the Magistrate found that there were inconsistencies in the evidence of the Virtual Complainant and discharged the matter.