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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-6-30 14:13  資料 私人訊息 
– vow to continue strike until “decent offer” proposedFrom all indications an end to strike action at the University of Guyana (UG) is nowhere in sight. InUGSSA President,Dr Mellissa Ifillfact,China Jerseys Cheap, the state of affairs might have escalated, with the Unions in a joint statement labeling recent utterances of the Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi, as “disingenuous.”The Vice Chancellor (VC) earlier this week, in calling for a return to normalcy at the University, after more than three weeks of strike action, disclosed that upon assuming his post more than a year ago, he hadn’t realized the magnitude of the daunting situation at the University.But the Unions – the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and the University of Guyana Workers’ Union (UGWU) led by Dr Mellissa Ifill and Mr Bruce Haynes respectively –lashed out at the disclosures which were detailed in a lengthy statement to the media.In affirming their position, the Unions said that “We first of all wish to say that the industrial action taken by the faculty and staff of the University has been triggered precisely by that ‘normalcy’ to which the VC invites us to return.”“The indecent wages and salaries we are paid, and the dismal and dysfunctional classroom and working environments comprise two aspects of the ‘normalcy’ that we reject. We continue to insist that staff must be treated with dignity and respect and that we must be paid living wages,” the Unions insisted.Moreover, Union heads have declared that strike action is poised to continue unless workers receive and endorse a “decent” offer – either final or interim. They have pointed out too that “While we empathize with the current suffering of our students, we wish to note that we have been suffering for decades. It is time to endUGWU President,Mr Bruce Haynesthe suffering of us all.”DISINGENUOUSThe Unions, in commenting directly to the remarks of the VC that he did not realize the state of the University until he was on the job for two weeks, said that they are certainly not surprised at the “many disingenuous remarks” in the VC’s press statement. The Unions pointed out that the VC had access to several reports and studies which had identified all of the deficiencies he detailed in his statement.Added to this, it was highlighted by the Union that Professor Opadeyi had made at least two visits to Guyana prior to accepting the job, and his contract was negotiated directly with the Office of the President for a higher remuneration package than had been offered to his predecessor, Professor Lawrence Carrington.Moreover, the Unions are questioning “why the Vice Chancellor, who is a professor with a MBA, who was in secure employment and who was presumably experienced, did not interview his potential employers about what resources would be made available to succeed in the appointment”.“He was aware of the industrial action by staff and discontent of students in 2012. What did he negotiate to ensure success in his tenure? What potential strategies did he discuss to address institutional defects,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, personnel issues, and quality assurance?”TROUBLINGHaving been on the job for two years, the Unions are asking for evidence of the type of dialogue that theUG Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob OpadeyiVice Chancellor has had with staff and students that could lead to a collective response to the problems of the institution.“Where in the two years, is there evidence of the ‘respect’ from the VC for the staff?” questioned the Unions as efforts were made to emphasize that it was the same VC and the University Council that abruptly cancelled negotiations scheduled for January 15, last.The Unions are claiming, too, that it was the Vice Chancellor who sought to change the conditions of workers’ employment, without any consultation, with a new workload policy. They have also accused the VC of terminating the discussions that began on February 4, 2015, by withdrawing his offer of a five per cent salary increase after Union membership rejected it because “it was so ridiculous and the faculty would have had to finance it by increasing our teaching load, as it was premised on a 50 per cent reduction in part time staff.”But even so, the Unions said that they have persisted in trying to get the negotiations back on track,Cheap Jerseys From China, even writing the Chief Labour Officer (CLO) and requesting the Ministry’s intervention.? They have added that “On the heels of the CLO’s blunt refusal to act as mediator, the VC now writes not to the Unions, but to Jane Public, appealing for a return to a squalid and stingy normalcy at UG.?? The respectfulness of his approach and his appeal are encouraging indeed!”QUESTIONS FOR THE VCAccording to the Unions, everything they have heard from the Vice Chancellor, together