標題: Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping 225-8196
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-12-15 18:38  資料 私人訊息 
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Police have issued a wanted bulletin for Ryan Kissoon, called “Dhal Belly”,NFL Jerseys Cheap, in connection with the August 18 murder of 84-year-old drug store proprietor,NFL Jerseys China, Harold Rachpaul.A police release said that Kissoon is of East Indian ancestry, is 171 cm in? height and his last known address is Tucville Squatting Area,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Georgetown.The police are asking persons with information that may lead to Kissoon’s arrest to contact them on telephone numbers: 225-2227, 225-8196, 226-7065, 227-1149, 225-6411, 911 or the nearest police station.All information will be treated with strict confidence.Police sources have said that Kissoon, a former security guard with a criminal record, is their prime suspect in the murder of the Rachpaul Drug Store proprietor, whose bound and gagged body was found in his Robb Street,Wholesale NFL Jerseys USA, Georgetown premises.According to police officials, the suspect was seen leaving Rachpaul’s yard on the night of his murder. At the time,Cheap Jerseys China, Kissoon was employed at a Robb Street business place near to Rachpaul’s Drug Store. They alleged that the former security guard left his job suddenly after learning that detectives wanted to question him further about the case.Kaieteur News had managed to contact the suspect on his mobile phone about a month ago. In conversations with this newspaper, the former security guard repeatedly professed his innocence.The 32-year-old man,Nike NFL Jerseys China, who has four small children, said he was remanded to prison twice on armed robbery charges, but was never convicted.Asked about his movements on the night of the murder, ‘Dhal Belly’ said that he was on duty outside his employer’s premises up to midnight. He said that footage recorded on the security cameras on his former employer’s premises can verify his story.He claimed that shortly after midnight on August 18, he went to “take a five” in the yard of another Robb Street business place near Rachpaul’s Drug Store. After resting,NFL Jerseys China, the man said he returned to his worksite, and his employer’s cook arrived at around 05:00 hrs. He said he later opened the premises and assisted the cook in cutting up some vegetables.The former guard stated that he subsequently received a call from someone who identified himself as a policeman. The caller requested that ‘Dhal Belly’ submit himself for questioning in connection with a murder.The suspect said that he told the policeman that he would only submit himself for questioning if he had an attorney.Rachpaul’s gagged and bound body was found near his bed at his Lot 75 Robb Street residence by his son and grandson. An autopsy confirmed that he had been strangled.Investigators believe that the killer made off with some $1M in cash and other items from the victim’s residence.According to relatives, a vault was open and a quantity of phone cards and cash were missing.Police sources stated that there were no visible signs of forced entry.