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註冊 2017-5-25
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… at United Nations General AssemblyNEW YORK CITY –President Donald Ramotar and Inter-American Development Bank President Luis Alberto Moreno met yesterday in New York at the margins of the meetings of the UN General Assembly. They discussed the various development challenges facing Guyana as well as the IDB’s long-term commitment to support Guyana’s national development strategy.President Moreno congratulated President Ramotar on the effective management of fiscal policy by the Government of Guyana’s economic team following massive debt forgiveness in 2006. As a result,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Guyana has consistently maintained fiscal stability and sustained economic growth throughout the international economic downturn.During the meeting with President Ramotar,Jerseys From China, President Moreno emphasized that the IDB is fully committed to playing a leading role in helping Guyana to modernize its energy matrix and to advance its innovative Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in a manner that maintains debt sustainability while providing the desired benefits to Guyana’s economy and its people. Both leaders agreed on the pressing need to diversify Guyana’s energy matrix in a way that protects its environment,Cheap Jerseys, improves energy sustainability,Wholesale Jerseys China, and lowers total energy costs.President Moreno emphasized that the IDB is especially enthusiastic about providing Guyana with technical and financial support to reform energy sector governance.This is of immediate importance to lower the risks and maximize the benefits of any initiative in the energy sector. Both leaders instructed their respective technical teams to jointly explore alternative ways to upgrade and diversify Guyana’s energy matrix.