標題: Stefan de Vrij Jersey when he went to intervene
Rank: 4

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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-9-3 11:53  資料 私人訊息 
Stefan de Vrij Jersey when he went to intervene
Some police ranks are peeved that no charges have been instituted against a city businessman’s son who allegedly threatened one of their colleagues with a handgun.The businessman’s son and another man were arrested two Sundays ago at an Irving Street house,Gerardo Flores Mexico Jersey, after police ranks responding to the allegation,Malik McDowell Jersey, retrieved two live rounds during a search of the premises.According to reports,Ryan Anderson Redskins Jersey, the businessman’s son and another occupant were throwing firecrackers in the street that night when one of the firecrackers struck a passing car.When the occupant exited his vehicle and began to complain,Chad Kelly Jersey, he was allegedly assaulted by the two men.It is alleged that an off-duty detective was passing and observed the commotion. However,ArDarius Stewart Womens Jersey, when he went to intervene, the businessman’s son allegedly drew a firearm and pointed it at him.An eyewitness alleged that the suspect also made several threatening remarks to the police rank.During his tirade, the man also boasted about his alleged links to a group that is tied to organised crime.After the policeman reported the matter, several ranks searched the premises but failed to locate the firearm. However, the occupants were taken into custody after the policemen found two live rounds of different calibre.They were released shortly after,Wholesale Jerseys, and it is unclear whether they will be charged.