標題: Kaka Jersey Former Presidents
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-9-1 00:02  資料 私人訊息 
Kaka Jersey Former Presidents
The Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh yesterday in the National Assembly tabled three pieces of new legislation aimed at facilitating enhanced benefits for ex-presidents,Charles Harris Dolphins Jersey, and for the creation of an office for Spouses of Presidents.The Bills are entitled President Hoyte Pension Bill, Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) and the Office of the Spouse of the President Bill.Under the President Hoyte Pension Bill,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, whenever enacted, it shall be deemed to have come into operation on December 22, 2002,Matteo Darmian Jersey, the day President Hoyte died.The proposed legislation stipulates that the widow of the late President Hoyte shall be entitled to receive an enhanced pension on her husband’s behalf,Herculez Gomez Toronto Jersey, calculated in accordance with Section 3 of the Pensions (President) Act 2004 from the date when the widow becomes entitled to receive the pension as it first became payable.Another piece of legislation tabled is the Office of the Spouse of the President Bill, which seeks to establish an official public office for whoever is the spouse of the sitting president.In the event that the sitting president is a man,Loic Remy Jersey, then it will be referred to as the Office of the First Lady.“The Office of the Spouse of the President shall be held by the spouse of a serving President and its tenure shall be co-terminus with that of the serving President.”Under the legislation,Walace Jersey, the Finance Minister will be responsible for the determination of allowances and other benefits to which the holder of the Office of the Spouse of the President will require in discharging public functions.As it relates to the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act, the proposed legislation outlines the specific benefits that a former president will be afforded for the remainder of his/her life.The benefits include: payment in respect of the expenses incurred in the provision and use of water, electricity and telephone services at the place of residence in Guyana; services of personal and household staff including an attendant and a gardener; services of clerical and technical staff, if requested; free medical attendance and medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for the medical attendance or treatment of himself and the dependant members of his family; full-time personal security and services of the Presidential Guard Service at the place of residence; the provision of motor vehicles owned and maintained by the State; toll free road transportation in Guyana; an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares provided on the same basis as that granted to serving members of the Judiciary and a tax exemption status identical to that enjoyed by a serving President.