標題: Malik Hooker Colts Jersey MoU
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2595
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-28 23:33  資料 私人訊息 
Malik Hooker Colts Jersey MoU
By Latoya Giles The Government of Guyana has announced that it is looking for eligible service providers including individuals or agencies to express their interest to build, transfer,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Nike-Kaishi-Run/, and operate a Solid Waste Recycling Plant,Kellen Winslow Chargers Jersey, through a public/private partnership agreement. The announcement was made yesterday via the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.This new announcement follows the government’s recent decision to abandon a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which was signed by the Local Government Ministry and Natural Globe Inc.? Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon had stated that it was in wake of the media revelations, and in the context of its recent execution of the MoU with the firm Natural Globe Inc,China Jerseys Wholesale, for recycling services in Guyana, that the decision was taken to withdraw its execution of the MoU with the firm.According to the Ministry, individuals or agencies interested in providing the services should obtain an “Operator’s Profile Form” from the Permanent Secretary Secretariat, of Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development (MLGRD), Fort Street Kingston, Georgetown. Uplifting the forms can be done from Monday and Thursday between 8.00 hrs and 16:30 hrs, and on Friday between 8.00 hrs and 15:30 hrs.Bidders can also visit the ministry’s website www.mlgrd.gov.gy to obtain a form.? It was advised that the form should be completed and returned to MLGRD along with two (2) copies of a detail project proposal accompanied by the following documents, Business’s Registration, Tax Identification Number, List of Equipment and Machinery owned (inclusive of their registrations), Human Resource Capacity and two recent References – one of which must be from your recent and or current employer where similar services were or are being provided.Expectant bidders are also advised that the government requires that all intended activities be operated and managed under the guidelines and policies outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Further the government said that they would prefer prefers to collaborate with those who have previous working experience providing identical services in other Countries where records of operations and/or services are accessible and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.It was indicated that upon receipt of all documents, a technical team will be assembled to review and provide advice (where necessary to applicants) on the submitted documents.“Applicants satisfying the required criteria will be shortlisted and tasked with the responsibility of providing additional information upon request,” the Ministry advised.All applications should be sealed and delivered no later than Friday December 27, 2013,Robert Newhouse Cowboys Jersey, at 15:30 hrs.When the MoU between the Local Government Ministry and Natural Globe Inc., was first announced, Guyanese were told that it was a Canadian Company. Searches for the Canadian-registered company proved futile. It was later learnt that the Company was in fact registered in Guyana only three months ago. The proposal for the project was submitted 14 months ago.Natural Globe Inc., the company in question, is run by? Mohamed Osman.When Kaieteur News first began questioning the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with what was deemed a ‘Ghost Company’,Pavel Datsyuk Red Wings Jersey, the Ministry of Local Government lashed out saying that it wished “to clarify the misrepresented,Daniel Cleary Liverpool Jersey UK, misinformed and mischievous statements published by Media Houses which seek to confuse and communicate incorrect messages to the public on the recent signing of the MoU for the establishment of recycling plant in Guyana.”The Ministry said that the company is owned and operated by a Guyanese entrepreneur who resides in Canada and is in the process of becoming a re-migrant resident.“This company is also a local consultancy firm that provides integrated solutions for sustainable development in the fields of solid waste management and specializes in operations in the environmental sector,” the Ministry had said.Osman during an interview with this publication had said that the US$30M required for the project was already in place and that the company was just awaiting word from Government to go ahead. Asked to identify the investors, he said that he and a partner would be putting US$15M each.Questioned on the source of his share of the financing, Osman said