標題: Raul Jimenez Jersey who were on duty on August 23
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-27 18:38  資料 私人訊息 
Raul Jimenez Jersey who were on duty on August 23
Kevin Charles of Lot 96 Vryheid’s Lust,Rafael Marquez Jersey, East Coast Demerara, appeared before the court yesterday charged with assaulting four police officers and behaving disorderly.Charles, a machine operator at BK International allegedly assaulted police constables Jermaine Brown, Tellon Wilson, Joel Benjamin and Deochand Sukdeo,Marcos Rojo Manchester Jersey, who were on duty on August 23,Malik McDowell Jersey, last. He also reportedly behaved disorderly while at the Brickdam Police Station.Charles pleaded not guilty before Chief Magistrate,Kyle Walker Hotspur Jersey UK, Priya Sewnarine – Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.According to Police Prosecutor Bharrat Mangru,Juan Fernando Quintero Colombia Jersey, on the day of the incident,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the defendant was identified for a search by the police ranks but refused. Charles allegedly shouted that “he did not want to get lock up” and he physically retaliated attracting the attention of others.He was arrested and taken to the Brickdam Police Station where he continued to behave disorderly; hence he was charged and placed before the court.The Chief Magistrate sent Charles on his own recognizance and ordered him to keep the peace pending the outcome of the matter.