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註冊 2017-5-25
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Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale curling iron
As a charge of break and enter/simple larceny was being read to Mark Peters in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, many persons seated in the courtroom began laughing when they heard that the man had stolen a female underwear.Peters, 40,Rod Woodson Steelers Jersey, who told the court that he resides at Lot 40 DaSilva, Street,Luis Suarez Jersey, Newtown, Georgetown,David Robinson Team USA Jersey, pleaded not guilty to the charge after it was read to him by Magistrate Ann McLennan.The charge alleged that on September 7,Mitchell Trubisky Jersey, at Carmichael Street, he broke into the dwelling house of Susan Haley and stole a quantity of items.The court heard that the defendant carted off a blow dryer, curling iron,Johnny Bench Reds Jersey, female underwear, six pieces of cloth among other items.When asked by the Magistrate if he had any objections to bail, Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones replied in the affirmative. Jones argued that Peters has no fixed place of abode.The prosecutor informed that all the items were recovered after an alarm was raised. He added that the police responded immediately and apprehended the defendant.Further,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, Jones requested a short adjournment date to have the police file complete. He told the court that statements in the matter are still outstanding.The Magistrate upheld the prosecutor’s request and remanded the defendant to prison.Peters, who was unrepresented by an attorney was ordered to be present in court on September 16, for continuation.