標題: Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale GuySuCo
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-23 02:30  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale GuySuCo
The truth surrounding the poor level of production at Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is being skillfully withheld by Government to cover the poor management of the failing institution says, Khemraj Ramjattan,Wholesale Jerseys China, Leader of the Alliance For Change.Ramjattan made the statement in light of Agriculture Minister,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy recently blaming intermittent rainfall on the coastland for the halting of production at GuySuCo. The state-owned sugar company, which has a revised target of 236,000 tonnes of sugar for 2012,NFL Jerseys Clearance, up to Friday last, had produced 208,000 tonnes of sugar.Dr. Ramsammy had noted that the current rainy weather has adversely affected the sugar industry and the grinding of cane has slowed. He added that the last two weeks in November,Jerseys NFL China, very little grinding is being done at estates because of the weather.According to Ramjattan, “Dr. Ramsammy is a doctor that has a plaster for every political and administrative sore. His statements are just to cover-up the sore rather than to heal the sore”.The AFC Member of Parliament said that all of the problems GuySuCo is encountering are management related and “have nothing to do with God or climate change”. He assured that this claim is substantiated by information provided by employees in the factories and fields.“Apparently, the struggle between management and workers, shortage of workers,NFL Jerseys Cheap, a host of bad husbandry practices and the departure of a number of qualified persons has affected GuySuCo.”In relation to the rainy weather disrupting the harvesting and burning of canes,Supply Cheap Jerseys, Ramjattan said that bad husbandry practices are the primary factor. He noted that had the fields been properly prepared this second crop would not have encountered the rains.Another issue Dr. Ramsammy commented on that irked Ramjattan was that it was better to de-silt during the wet season than in the dry. According to the AFC Leader “this does not make engineering sense or common sense”. He opined that in the wet season it would be difficult to excavate the area thoroughly while in the dry season the silt would hold firmly in the bucket and the operator will ascertain how much silt has to be extracted.