標題: Florida Marlins Jerseys Deryck Kanhai
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-19 19:24  資料 私人訊息 
Florida Marlins Jerseys Deryck Kanhai
Officers of the Guyana Police Force,NFL Jerseys China, who were engaged in the shootout with the now dead, Deryck Kanhai, Tuesday afternoon,Cheap Jerseys From China, did try to negotiate a surrender.Kaieteur News was told that after they managed to enter the Middle Street, Cummingsburg house in which Kanhai had secured himself, officers offered him a chance to surrender but he refused and continued to trade bullets with the lawmen before he was taken out.“We did negotiate with him. We called on him to put down his guns and come out. We assured him that we would not kill him although he had shot and killed two of our men,” a source who was a part of the operation told this newspaper.A three-hour standoff that almost paralysed an entire ward in the city ended when Kanhai was shot dead by police in the bottom flat of his Middle Street house.Tear smoke billows from the building in which the gunman was holed up. The Balwant Singh Hospital is in the background.This was after he had killed four persons, including two policemen, a female dispatcher of a taxi service and another civilian in what many are describing as cocaine-filled rage.Kanhai, 53, had also shot and wounded a taxi driver with whom he initially had a confrontation.It was after shooting the civilians,John Lackey Cubs Jersey, Vanessa Vyphuis, 38, and 73-year old Hugh Paul, that Kanhai turned his guns on the lawmen, Lance Corporal Michael Forde and Constable Sherwayne Pantlitz.The two policemen had responded with their other colleagues to the reports of shooting.From all indications, Kanhai was suicidal and was prepared to take out as many persons as he could before he was eliminated.“Any fool with a gun would kill a set of people before the police arrive,” the source said.Need for SWAT teamTuesday’s incident is a clear indication that there is an absolute need for a Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) unit,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, said the Home Affairs Ministry.“This incident reinforces the contention of this Ministry that there is a dire need for well trained Specialized Units in the Guyana Police Force to respond to similar types of incidents.“We are now more than committed to ensure that the SWAT team is established in the Force within the time frame stipulated. The Ministry of Home Affairs commends the efforts that were made by the brave ranks who responded to the incident,J. D. Martinez Tigers Jersey,” the Ministry said in its statement yesterday.“The Ministry of Home Affairs wishes to extend its condolences to the relatives of the policemen who lost their lives in the line of duty and the two civilians who were brutally murdered,” the statement added.There were a few raised eyebrows when Government announced that it was setting up a SWAT team.Some suggested that Guyana would not have the type of activity that would necessitate such a unit.However a senior officer of the Guyana Police Force disagreed with that suggestion, pointing to possible copycats.“Nuff people will try to be heroes. There are plenty guns in the hands of many more like Kanhai,” he said.In an invited comment on Monday last, Commissioner of Police Leroy Brumell told Kaieteur News that the force is in the process of identifying ranks for the SWAT unit.“We have all the equipment, everything that we’re supposed to have…long before now. We started preparing a long time now….whenever they are ready, we gonna be ready,” Brumell said.“A lot of eyes on us for this thing…They say we gonna recycle ranks,Dallas Keuchel Astros Jersey, but we don’t have to recycle. We’re gonna get some fresh men,” he added.While several questions will arise about the police operations during Tuesday’s incident, there are quite a few suggestions that the ranks involved performed creditably, although there is much room for improvement, if the force is to minimize casualties in any subsequent similar confrontation.Many are comparing Tuesday’s operation to the one almost 14 years ago which saw the demise of the notorious Linden ‘Blackie’ London, at a guesthouse on the East Bank of Demerara.On that occasion, London, who had also secreted himself in a building, held off the security forces for nine hours before he was finally killed.Back in February 2000, the security forces eventually had to negotiate surrender after efforts to eliminate “Blackie” failed, even after they had battered the building with rocket propelled grenades and set it on fire. London was nevertheless shot de